Park / Six Flags Florida

Park_1839 Six Flags Florida


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    I figured I'd start a central topic for all my parks I'm working on.
    (For completed parks, scroll to the bottom of the post.)
    Currently in progress-

    Posted Image- 1%

    The massive park that will have areas or at least individual rides for EVERY COUNTRY AND TERRITORY IN THE WORLD and as an added bonus every ride representing a country will have a name in the country's official language, rather than English. Translations will be included.
    What's complete-
    Posted Image
    Here is the Iceland micro that was completed, with Gos ("Eruption" in Icelandic) as the main coaster-
    Posted Image
    Hey found another micro I'd forgotten about, it's Peru-
    Posted Image

    That's all for now. Post any questions/comments below, please.

    This page has been edited 8 times
    (Trimmed down on March 27, 2012)
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I see improvement. You have ideas that will take you somewhere in 10 years.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    The minipark is probably the best idea I've seen you execute yet, though there's not much to it. It's a shame that it's the one you have no idea what you were doing with. Coaster design is still way too unconventional and poorly thought out for NE. Keep at it.
  • K0NG%s's Photo

    The massive park that will have areas or at least individual rides for EVERY COUNTRY AND TERRITORY IN THE WORLD and as an added bonus every ride representing a country will have a name in the country's official language, rather than English. Translations will be included, don't worry! Ideas from pictures in the Earth Condensed book from Millennium House. Currently only the Parking lot is complete.

    I had to lol when I got to that last part. I guess you gotta start a massive park that includes EVERY COUNTRY AND TERRITORY IN THE WORLD someplace though.

    What you've shown here is definitely an improvement from what you've shown before, but I have to agree with MA about your coaster designs. Keep at it're definitely better than you were when you got here :nod:
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments. I'll post screens soon to let you see the coasters; let me know if they need any improvement. :D

    (Also, I lol'd at the sig. :lol: )
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Didn't want to annoy the admins, so I'm posting it here. That way I can still add it to my park list.

    I wouldn't worry about 'annoying' the admins. By submitting the park to the database, it actually keeps everything nice and neat and keeps track of all releases in one place, it is probably more beneficial if you were to submit it. Plus it will go onto your profile.
  • dan72%s's Photo
    Looking at some of your older parks you have a brilliant use of colors(specifically your colors used for roller coasters are some of the best and most creative i've seen) and I would add that you have very solid use of scenery, but your coasters are way too intense and not exciting enough, and your buildings are boring and blocky.

    Layering, layering, layering. In the third screenshot those flat grey and brown entrance buildings just don't look very good, they are either too tall or not wide enough and need layering badly. The building next to the parking lot could be a bit more complex but it works. Your first coaster and the triple coaster are great. I wouldn't change them, but in the future try to be conscious of cluttering all those tall supports crammed together are kind of ugly.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    So basically:

    * smoother buildings
    * more realistic/practical/spread out coaster layouts
    * Use custom supports and support blockers

    Okay, I'll see what I can do after the Awards.

    @ Louis!: Actually what I've done is posted the complete stuff here, then submitted them as "pre-released at New Element" which automatically makes them non-competitive. Though with parks like WorldScope I'll submit them competitively.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    Good theming, much better than your old work. The layouts need to be improved big-time, though.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Still need tech help for that problem...
    Yeah, Paramount Movie World has been put on hold; I need to prioritize on other projects like WorldScope.

    (New pic up, and also check out the banner)
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Yesterday I said 'You should win 'best signature' next year', but there's too many shit. Delete the quote and the CF member ridelist and I'll arrange your award!
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    What a coincidence, I just did that!
    (No, really...I didn't even read your post until just now.)

    (I searched, this feels like a trick since you never said the forums, anyway...hold on, I'll check the chatlog...nope.
    Grrr... :p )
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Hey so I didn't want to start another topic, but here's a screenshot of the LL error...
    Posted Image
    since Print Screen is funky on RCT, It just captured black and the error window. The ghost train ride was mostly visible, except where it cut to black the track was all in different directions and choppy. You couldn't see most of the coaster, seems like the it may have something to do with it. Could be a corrupted scenario, though I doubt that since I CCleaner'd the game then reinstalled it, and this still happens.
    Any ideas? :???:
  • musicman%s's Photo
    Did you post about this somewhere else? Because you're talking like you did, but I don't see it. Anyway, from my experience, this usually happens because you're making the game work in ways it doesn't want to. Were you doing any hacks (especially merging, that's where I've had the most trouble with it if the merge isn't perfect) right before this happened?
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    I posted about it a few posts up. No, see, this is in the menu, right after the game starts. Only the Drexler Patch was in use.
  • musicman%s's Photo
    I'm still not seeing it. Anyway, is on the menu or when you open a park?
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    This is on the menu, almost as soon as I open the game it errors there.
  • musicman%s's Photo
    The only thing I can think of is to try reinstalling your game. I'm fairly certain you would be able to keep old parks, you may want a verification on that first.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    I tried reinstalling my game, somehow that didn't work. And yes, you can keep old save games, there's an popup window that asks you if you want to during uninstallation.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    Uninstall. Install RCT1. Install LL. THEN you screwed up-

    Attached File (137.44KB)
    downloads: 305

    Download this. It is the official RCTLL US patch to run on Windows XP and up. Once you install that, THEN you install the drexler patch-PLEASE INSTALL RCTLL-US PATCH ABOVE FIRST.