Park / Luke's Loop


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    wow all those nice picture were from this? I knew it was small but I did sort of expect some other small park scenery. It is nice though.
  • musicman%s's Photo
    ahh, its so cute. :)
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    I like it. Too bad it didn't do better.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I liked it! It looks pretty good despite the bareness, the supports worked pretty well and the camp was awesome. I hope to see something bigger from you soon!
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I agree with 'K0ng, levis, kuma & prodigy's score.
    It's good and cute but it's not outstanding C:
  • Luketh%s's Photo
    Yeah, for the record, I wasn't really looking for a design with this.. I just wanted to see what the panel thought of my current quality of work. Overall, I think everybody liked it so that means it's time to step up the size of my design and win myself an accolade. :)

    Anything I can improve on with my next project, guys? Also, if the panelists could please post the explination behind their ratings I'd really appreciate it, I wanna get better. :D
  • J K%s's Photo
    Lovely little park.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    nothing wrong at all with this creation. awesome shit luke.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    for me the idea was there but it was too bare and the colours got repetitive due to the size of this
  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    the trains and track go perfectly imo. i think it would have been a bit better if you chose a more wooded lanscape instead of desert but thats just me. anyway i love the supports and the whole ride but its just to small and bare imo to get a design accolade. nevertheless this would be a great attraction in a full scale park. :)
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Yea this was cute :p . But on a serious note, a pretty sick ride for such a small area. Definetly appears to pack a punch. I think this ride would be a nice supporting coaster in a design featuring a much bigger one, or in a full-scale park. Whatever it is luke, it shows flashes of brilliance and definetly potential.
  • 40.77%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 40.77%
    K0NG 60%
    Levis 60%
    Kumba 55%
    prodigy 55%
    geewhzz 50%
    robbie92 50%
    Liampie 45%
    Maverix 45%
    RCTNW 45%
    5dave 35%
    Milo 35%
    Roomie 20%
    turbin3 20%
    posix 15%
    nin 10%
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