Park / Floating Resort
- 28-January 11
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BelgianGuy 95% Liampie 80% prodigy 80% Kumba 75% turbin3 75% 5dave 70% Levis 70% robbie92 70% geewhzz 65% RCTNW 65% Wicksteed 60% CedarPoint6 55% Louis! 55% K0NG 40% John 35% 66.15% - 5 fans Fans of this park
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In:Cities Offline
does this remind anyone else of pokemon?
djbrcace1234 Offline
RCTNW Offline
pierrot Offline
congrats FreeRider, I love your work
Cocoa Offline
hey, these were great! I love the custom scenery maps and logos, and the realism of it all (if this could actually be done). your style has certainly gotten very refined. I love the classic galleon look to the boats contrasting with the more modern bright resort parts. your trees were colored wrong occassionally though.
Splitvision Offline
turbin3 Offline
Harkonnen Offline
SpA Offline
nin Offline
musicman Offline
chorkiel Offline
Then when I opened it I loved the looks and evertyhing though I could barely see some of those great rides and the inventive hacks you used.
So I deleted all scenery wich didn't make it that much easier since there still was a lot of path, but I saw enough of them except for the motorbikes..
Wich kinda saddens me because what I saw of them seemed really good.
Splitvision Offline
Croustibapt Fan Offline
Yeah of course! Those huge boats can only remind us of Pokemon!
Anyway, this is really amazing. I'm actually enjoying this map a lot!
Great work, FreeRider!
Dotrobot Offline
Louis! Offline
chorkiel Offline