Park / Ka Choung
- 15-January 11
- Views 3,199
- Downloads 833
- Fans 0
- Comments 11
62.69%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
RCTNW 75% geewhzz 70% Kumba 70% Liampie 70% turbin3 70% John 65% Levis 65% Louis! 65% 5dave 60% BelgianGuy 60% Maverix 60% Roomie 60% CedarPoint6 50% prodigy 50% robbie92 50% 62.69% - No fans of this park
- Download Park 833
- Objects 270
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J K Offline
SSSammy Offline
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BelgianGuy Offline
Levis Offline
Also the theming was quite nice altough I tought the water ride to be a bit boring. But the coaster it self almost had no theming for almost 3/4 of the ride. That just didn't seem right with all the other things so themed.
Also I felt like some parts where added just as filler. Like the area round the twist ride, that just doesn't give the same feeling as the rest.
Also the entrance of the coaster was dissapointing. the queue was a part underground so you cant see the ride and the exit just dropped you out somewhere between the supports. I think that could have been themed a little bit more to .
Also next time try to put a little bit more effort in the park by at least check if everything is named propperly.
oh and sometimes when i look at this park for a while it shuts down with an error trapper itiger divided by zero. Probally a ride which crashes which isn't suppost to crash.
Louis! Offline
I felt the surounding architecture could have been stronger, however the layout and the general surroundings were really nice and IMO, worthy of design, but hey ho, next time work harder on your 'shop' architecture, this would probably increase your chances. I also wonder whether a coaster type with a larger layout would have pushed the votes up higher too.
Anyway, great submission, shame it just missed out.
prodigy Offline
Here I think the theming was very very much copied from Bayon Falls, but it was far away from the greatness of Bayon Falls. That's the main reason, why I voted 50%. Also the whole theming looked a bit random to me.
So for me it's not a design.
robbie92 Offline
jusmith Offline
highroll3r Offline