Park / Magic Realms Resort
06-September 08
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85.45%(required: 80%)
postit 100% yes posix 95% yes 5dave 90% yes ChillerHockey33 90% yes Xcoaster 90% yes CedarPoint6 85% yes Evil WME 85% yes geewhzz 85% yes Magnus 85% no Fr3ak 80% yes RCTFAN 80% yes Milo 75% yes nin 70% no 85.45% 84.62% -
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New favorite park right here.
I will write a full review on this epicness later.
This honor is well-deserved. Thank you for reminding me of all that a park can be.
eyeamthu1, here's my post from the panel forum when i had just looked at and voted for the park.
for people who might wonder what the "spotlight score" is: remember in our release regulations we stated that for a submission to win spotlight, it must follow a park creation concept, pull off a score >=14.00, be larger than 115x115 and win an additional "spotlight yes or no?" poll in the panel with a majority of at least 60%. In that poll, 80% of the panel members voted "yes" this should win spotlight. therefore, this park has fulfilled all requirements at ease.
A Well deserved Spotlight
I Love FROSTBITE! most insane coaster ever, dude
Finally a spotlight park that actually deserved spotlight!
BTW, the field in the neutral area reminded me of oldschool dutch parkmaking, that's also a plus to me.
Congrats on winning this!
The Chinese and Aztec areas were fantastic, where as the Frostbite area and the Rock n Roll area weren't on the same level at all.
I can definatly tell that you've been to Alton Towers though. There were a lot of ideas used in this park that look like they've come straight from Alton.
First of all - the Release Page is great, so well done there. Logo's sweet, there's a lot of content on the page, and the full-scale aerial must have taken a long time to do! So thanks to everyone who put that together.
I'm glad that everyone's seemed to 'get' the park - to understand its purpose, really. I'm really happy to see all these comments like 'from a peep's point of view' and 'I wish this park could be built in real life'. That was my motivation - I wanted to make a realistic themed park, which I would love to visit in real life. I know that the archy isn't that great (although I think over-detailing the archy makes the park a little unrealistic) but the focus of this park is definitely the coasters, and I think each one has its own unique merits
Thanks once again -- I'm away for on holiday for a week now, so apologies if I don't reply to any comments for a while!
Where do you get those good ideas?^^
Hope we'll see more of your amazing work, soon.
but its not my favorite.
i'll check it out later
You're a beast man. This is inspirational, to say the least.
I got a PM from him a long time ago with some question about how I handled the invisible path method in Puysegur Point, if I remember correctly.
I'm glad to see you were able to finish this massive project, and the way you made it realistic..
The coasters were great, the brochure awesome and the theming pretty good..
One thing that bothered me kinda though are the randomly placed benches and lamps on the pathing.. It would look more visually appealing and even more realistic if you put them only at the sides of the paths and not right in the middle of them where there's room needed for a smoothly flow of guests.. Now it looks a bit awkward imo..
Congrats on this park and the Parkmaker spot, and hope to see more of you in the future!
dude, your coasters are amazing. your archy along with ride placement is some of the best i think NE has seen in a very long time. I feel weird saying this but it looks like a SA park when you get it open, not only does it flow all the way through, you have such diverse sections so close to each other yet you just move through it without even noticing the massive transition of colors and theme, its beautiful.
amazing park, a very well deserved spotlight.
im gunna go drool over your beemers for another hour.
Congratulations on the spotlight, honestly one of the best I've ever seen... Makes me want to finish BoT now haha. =D