Park / Paradise Beach

Park_1796 Paradise Beach


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Damn that was fun. This park has a level of joviality and fun missing from almost all of todays releases. I genuinly had a smile on my face while scrolling round this. Pity I wasn't around when the vote was going on as I would have put it in the silver like Levis.

    The only complaint i had was the pacing on the coasters was usually too slow but it's great to see another Korean Park Maker rolling into town and with a good quality release too.
  • Rolco Mania%s's Photo
    Thank you very much!!!
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I agree with Roomie.
    I think this deserved higher and at least a medal.. (liked it better than WoA - Berlin)
  • Levis%s's Photo
    This reminded me of JKay and X250 in the early years. and I liked that style. Hence the score.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    ^ yeah as I posted in the AD, an unrefined Jkay style springs immediately to mind when watching this. Rolco Mania, I suggest you check Jkay's work out if you haven't already. If you can manage to implement some of the stuff he does in your further projects and approach his style even more, I think many more in the community and among the accolade panelists would think you deserve an accolade, even though that style is a little "outdated". If you do it right you could well resurrect it :)
  • Levis%s's Photo
    sorry split but I disagree with you.
    Off course he can check out JKay's work. but please dont try to match JKays style. Try to get your own style, and build what you think is good.

    btw I kinda had the feeling there where two builders in this park. is that right or did you make it all by your own?
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    I meant if he wanted to get accolades. Even though I personally enjoyed the park it missed the bronze mark by over 10%. Many would welcome a new Jkay I think, and a perfect way of developing his own style into something that NE would appreciate even more is to look at his work which is essentially a much refined version of Rolco Mania's style. He can of course develop his style without drawing any inspiration at all from Jkay or anyone else, I just thought it might help him winning an accolade which he atleast had some intention of doing since he submitted it.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    Congrats RM!
    This park have a lot of fun and I proud of you release this park in NE :D
  • Rolco Mania%s's Photo
    뭐라고 하는지 해석 좀...
  • Levis%s's Photo

    I interpreted what she said

  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    he's asking pierrot to translate for him. these online translators are very fussy.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    영어실력이 미숙하지만 최대한 해드릴게요^^

    제기랄 이건 정말로 재밌어. 이 파크는 정말로 많은 즐거움을 가지고있고, 오늘이렇게 멋진게 올라온줄 몰랐었다.
    나는 진짜로 이 파크를 둘러보면서 웃음을 머금었다(긍정적의미입니다.)
    내가 이 파크에 투표를 못한게 아쉽다, 나도 Levis처럼 실버에 투표를 했었을것이다.(roomie도 점수를 판가름해주는 Accolades panelist 입니다)
    나의 단 한가지 불만은 코스터의 움직임이 너무 느리다는 것이다, 그러나 다른 한국유저가 멋진 퀼리티의 공원을 가지고 이곳에 온것은 정말로 대단하다고 생각한다.

    나도 Roomie의 의견에 동의한다.
    나는 이것이 더 높은점수를 받을가치가있고, 메달을 받아야한다고 생각한다(솔직히 Woulds of Amusement - Berlin 보다 이게 훨씬 멋지다.)

    이것은 Jkay 와 X250 (예전에 플레이했던 올드유저입니다.)를 떠올리게 만든다.그리고 나는 이 스타일을 좋아한다 그래서 투표했다.(실버에)

    그래 나도 그 의견을 Advertising District에서 예기했었다. 정제되지않은 Jkay의 스타일은 보았을 때 톡톡튀고 마음을 움직이게한다.
    롤코마니아. 나는 너에게 Jkay의 이전 공원들을 한번 둘러보라고 제안하고싶다. 그러면 너의 미래의 작품은 그보다 더 멋지게 만들수 있을것이라고 생각한다/ 아마 패널리스트와 유저들도 이 작품이 메달을 딸가치가 있었다고 생각했을것이다, 스타일이 너무 오래됬지만말이지.. 다시 부활시키면 멋진작품이 될지도 모른다.

    그다음 내용들은 자기들끼리 토론하는건데 Levis 는 Jkay의 스타일을 따라가게 하는건 멍청한짓이라고 하고 매니아 님에게 자신만의 스타일을 구축하라고 조언해줍니다. Splitvision도 그런 의미는 아니였다고 해명합니다.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Yeah that's pretty much spot on pierrot. I couldn't have done better.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
  • Rolco Mania%s's Photo
    감사 합니다. 삐에로님 ㅋㅋ
  • Harkonnen%s's Photo's really fun.

    I think it should get Bronze...^^
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    can anyone translate that thing back again ? XD
  • Levis%s's Photo
    it just says thank you so it seems :p .

    I hope we will see more parks like this again :) .
  • 42.31%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 42.31%
    Levis 65%
    5dave 50%
    BelgianGuy 50%
    posix 50%
    turbin3 50%
    geewhzz 40%
    John 40%
    K0NG 40%
    Liampie 40%
    prodigy 40%
    RCTNW 40%
    Wicksteed 40%
    CedarPoint6 35%
    Maverix 35%
    Louis! 30%
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