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80.00%(required: 65%)
geewhzz 95% prodigy 95% Casimir 85% posix 85% Wicksteed 85% BelgianGuy 80% dmaxsba 80% K0NG 80% turbin3 80% 5dave 75% Kumba 75% Maverix 75% nin 75% Louis! 70% Levis 55% 80.00% -
My best work yet! The first ever non-coaster NE Design in modern times! I'm the first person to win at least one of every accolade! (concept creation excluded, but that one doesn't count.)
It's a semi recreation of a rapids ride in the Efteling, and I think I pulled it off! even though it's actually very different, in my opinion it has the same atmosphere. I made some new custom trees for this park and they helped me greatly to achieve the tranquil atmosphere of surroundings here. Maybe I like the surroundings even more than the ride itself. For more information, see the readme that's included in the file. -
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Accept the fact that NE design is open to any type of ride, or please get out of the panel. I'm not saying this because you had the lower votes; I expected such opinions and the 80% score is more than satisfying. I'm just saying this because it's unfair and wrong. I think I said it before somehwere: voting lower just because it's not a coaster is like voting a spotlight submission lower just because it doesn't contain a minigolf, a red vekoma SLC or a spaceman on a shop.
Don't take it too personal, I knew it would happen regardless of who the voters were.
Just to make it clear: it's a semi-recreation.
It's no big deal! I'm glad that you like it this much, and new year's day is not the worst occasion for a release. I'm content.
What do you think would've made it design-worthy?
It's a semi-recreation indeed... The readme should explain it all! Thanks for the kind words too.
Exactly my thoughts.
As far as I know NE is about parkmaking, the art of combining rides, architecture, landscaping, concept, layout and optionally theming. You just ignored five out of the six in my opinion most important aspects of parkmaking... And watercoasters piss you off? What the fuck?
Keep the replies coming! I appreciate both compliments and discussion.
I agree completely. Your post sounds rather limited, JDP.
I find this resistance interesting. iris put it into people's heads that designs must be coasters. We believe it should be up to the creator to decide what his submission is. I see everything related to ride design appropriate as a design submission.
just be greatful you have a beautiful design to look at!
Sorry, in my post I don't think I ever said that an NE Design isnt open to any type of ride, I didn't even say that this shouldn't have been a design, if I thought that, I wouldn't have voted it at 70% (which is above the design border).
I was just stating my opinion that it was harder than usual to score it, due to the fact I thought it would suit a park submission more, I wasn't saying that it wasn't worthy of design, which it is (which, again, is why i scored it at 70%), and in fact I went on to praise it, next time I wont bother.
All that said, this is exceptional work and I very much enjoyed the ride. I really wish I could do this kind of landscapping as there are very few that do it this well. One thing I do agree with JDP is that you have really set the standard for a non coaster Design which is a very good thing.
Looking forward to your next release and congrats
I do, however, believe that "creations" like this deserve their own category.
Why? So that we can let it rot like the old CC category? Even though this might inspire new non-coaster design submissions, it will never be enough to sustain it's own category.
I liked it more than your design and I belived this SHOULD be a design.
that's an "if the boot fits, wear it" statement.
This is why I love this win so much. It opened the door to great new design possibilities by members who always wanted to build something, anything other than a coaster and try for a win. While I haven't been a member here at NE very long I have downloaded most of the design wins and I must say after viewing B&M after B&M and then another B&M with a few woodies tossed in for good measure it got to be very stagnate! Don't get me wrong they were all fun to see and for the most part worthy of winning. It just got boring and the anticipation for the next one to open slowly vanished. Hopefully with this win the idea of something different will impact the members and break up the repetitiveness that was the design category.
jdp, you're also being ridiculous. i would much rather look at this magnificent design over the majority of designs throughout the entire history of the design category.
well done liampie, you're now my favorite parkmaker.
@That_Guy I still believe there should be a seperate category...not my fault if people don't appreciate creations as much as coaster designs if they are in seperate categories.
@Geewhzz I believe that people should be trying to recreate GOOD rides...not the shitty ones. When I open up a park I imagine myself being there and riding the rides. Sooo...
it's one thing to have a realistic ride, it's entirely another thing to have a realistic ride that is good. of course most people want to see one end of the spectrum only, but that doesn't change the fact that there is another end that can be built just as gracefully as its opposite.
take for example, most B&Ms are very similar in layout and design. if everyone only built the ones that are somewhat unique and have good atmosphere, theming, etc. we wouldn't get to experience the entire realm of great rct building. i'd rather see things from every spectrum executed to perfection in rct than only see "good" rides done to perfection.