Park / Lorianne Amuesment Park

Park_1773 Lorianne Amuesment Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Ripsaw%s's Photo
    is this not glendale park with added rides....,im sure that the woody is Rattlesnake, and the white coaster is the b&m stand up.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    God, I hate when people do this.
  • posix%s's Photo
    What would we do if people didn't post to tell us about this.

    Maybe does there still exist a link to the original park?
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    I have an idea Posix. What if there was a limit saying that you have to be a member of NE for aleast a certain period of time before you can upload randmom parks?
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Or a strict set of rules posted on the submissions making sure that this is your OWN work and the consenquences that will follow if you don't follow the rules.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i'll look for it posix.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    I have the park myself.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    same, but i can't find the site where i downloaded it... it was the time before ne...
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    Should this be deleted?
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Yeah. It's clear not much additional work was put into it.
  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    members should be suspended if they upload other peoples work. you have to be cruel to be nice. delete it gee.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    Almost even more upsetting than the fact that he in principle submitted someone else's park is that he made you waste your time upon viewing it and voting on it. I'm with austin, new members should maybe have to hang around for some time before they can submit something, and yeah an obvious ban on the guilty member in cases like these.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I had the feeling this was made by two different persons so I was suprised to see it wasn't. now I understand.
    A link to the original park would be nice indeed to check it for sure.

    I dont think people should be member for a while. some people who are on other boards may decide to begin post here and submit something (korean, dutch or german members for example) and it wouldn't be fair if they had to wait.

    I think it would be good if the panel lists had a option to "report" a submission. if they expect something to be wrong with it they can report it and give an explanation why they think its not right. then the others can see that to and the voting can be pauzed untill a decission is made what to do with it.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Levis, they can do that in the release prep correspondance. But I'm afraid sometimes even 15 people won't notice until the park is released :(

    I agree with your point that not allowing new members to submit parks won't work for the reasons you've stated. We'll all just have to stay vigilant.
  • dmaxsba%s's Photo
    When looking at this park I could have sworn I had seen it before... at least now I don't think I was crazy since so many of you had the same feeling. Is it possible that maybe the person who sent this in is really the creator though? Meaning yes he violated the rule about submitting at park that was already released but it may still be his park.

    I dont think people should be member for a while. some people who are on other boards may decide to begin post here and submit something (korean, dutch or german members for example) and it wouldn't be fair if they had to wait.

    I think it would be good if the panel lists had a option to "report" a submission. if they expect something to be wrong with it they can report it and give an explanation why they think its not right. then the others can see that to and the voting can be pauzed untill a decission is made what to do with it.

    I totally agree with both the statement above. I would hate see some long time player but new to NE have to wait to submit something. A simple way to get the submission vote stopped until any issues with it are resolved would be a wonderful idea.
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Levis, they can do that in the release prep correspondance. But I'm afraid sometimes even 15 people won't notice until the park is released :(

    I agree with your point that not allowing new members to submit parks won't work for the reasons you've stated. We'll all just have to stay vigilant.

    well I can't acces the release prep pages as far as I know being only a panel list.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Having access everywhere at all times as an admin, I didn't see this problem. Good point. Maybe panelists will need a "this park has been released previously" option in their voting box.
  • 34.62%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 34.62%
    Louis! 50%
    Kumba 45%
    5dave 40%
    dmaxsba 40%
    Levis 40%
    RCTNW 40%
    Liampie 35%
    prodigy 35%
    turbin3 35%
    BelgianGuy 30%
    CedarPoint6 30%
    Maverix 30%
    posix 25%
    Wicksteed 25%
    K0NG 20%
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