obviously inspired by Cedar fair parks and maybe some kennywood, It was pretty nice. I see how you didnt even submit it for points and that tell me that youre either giving up RCT or you think your next park will be much better, and Im hoping for the latter.
My next park is looking much better. I just felt that with this one, it didnt really have what it takes to reach bronze. I really considered it, but in the end, without custom supports, a few ghost objects, poor architecture, and not the greatest foliage, I just didnt feel this had what it takes.
Maybe after I get that first competitive release I'll go back to this, spruce it up, and hope gee or posix will let me submit it for an accolade. But theres still a lot of work needed to be done to reach that.
Thanks for the comments so far. Keep downloading it! And keep them comments coming! I need the advice, I want that accolade here soon
tdub96 Offline
Maybe after I get that first competitive release I'll go back to this, spruce it up, and hope gee or posix will let me submit it for an accolade. But theres still a lot of work needed to be done to reach that.
Thanks for the comments so far. Keep downloading it! And keep them comments coming! I need the advice, I want that accolade here soon