Park / Ourea
25-September 08
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- Downloads 401
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- Comments 4

42.73%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Fr3ak 55% Milo 55% CedarPoint6 50% Magnus 50% postit 50% Evil WME 45% Xcoaster 45% geewhzz 40% zodiac 40% ChillerHockey33 35% 5dave 30% chapelz 30% posix 30% 42.73% -
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Objects 103
Game: RCT2
Score: 8.55
Download: Ourea
The coaster layout wasn't terrible, it was just very unorthodox, which isn't bad, but the thing that definately killed it for me was its pacing, just very slow at parts.
The landscaping and foliage was interesting, but I think it would look better if you used some full tile landscaping instead of just quarter tile, and the foliage was very spotty, so maybe if it was more clumped and lush it would look better.
The one problem in the design that didn't work at all was that there was NO architecture, not even a station. I think at least one or two buildings and a station would have suited this, even though it looked kind of wild and jungly, some types of buildings could have fit in.
Keep playing, and find out what things work for you when you build and stick to that!
Edited by jusmith, 28 September 2008 - 11:34 AM.