Park / Hyatt's Ocean Adventures
13-December 10
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Casimir 95% yes BelgianGuy 90% yes Louis! 90% yes 5dave 85% yes Kumba 85% yes prodigy 85% no robbie92 85% yes geewhzz 80% yes Liampie 80% no Maverix 80% yes SSSammy 80% yes turbin3 80% no Levis 70% no posix 70% no RMM 65% no 81.54% 60.00% -
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First look at each ride's layout. We are not worty.
Orca <3 Pirate Cove <3 wow
Still, I have trouble liking those large, themeless structures that seem to dominate your park as buildings. Maybe if they were built to resemble actual buildings and have individual purposes you could improve this. Especially annoying was the huge one with the tan roof that the water coaster went through. Also, the pirate area was completely barren and ugly. The rocks helped a little but they were sort of blocky and the lack of really much theming killed it for me. Another problem is that they are obviously meant to be realistic (right?), but there is no way I could see those buildings or areas in real life.
So yah, good work, but I agree that it was just a gold.
Really love this great scale also Nice coasters and stadium
I guess this depends on the type of buildings you're used to. I find his buildings to be more realistic by being plain looking blocks as most buildings are very plain looking. Even the ones in major amusement parks are usually just boring boxes with fancy facades.
This was my biggest problem with the park, too. These huge structures are just too big for a theme park imo. Moreover these structures have too little details.
The layouts and supports were awesome, good job on that CP6/RCTNW.
Congrats on the gold, looking forward to your next project.
To me:
Gold = great park, but not groundbreaking
Spotlight great park, exceptionally memorable
In theory, if a park makes me think "this is perfection but I've seen it all before" I can vote 100%+no. Spotlight is for pioneering.
Over all, vintage rctnw and theres nothing wrong with that. great job completing it.
RCTNW, I thought the park was impressive, as always, ... and sterile, as always. I couldn't be more happy about how obvious it is that you're enjoying making these parks, but to be perfectly frank, they start to bore me. I know this statement is a bit ludicrous considering the quality of a park we're talking of, but you've spoiled us with these high calibre creations for too many years now, I'm afraid. I wish you would try to stray away from the purely technical aspect of accurately created structures of stadiums, and turn towards the more artistic appeal the game offers.
I'll post a better comment later, but the coaster was simply stunning...
Pirates cove was very well done, and that was my faviorte area in the park. Congrats though!
The coaster, ride(maybe too many free fall rides though), and show lineups are awesome
I always look at your parks differently than the rest here, almost as concept art for something to be built in real life. I like how you put enough detail in to make it obvious what it would look like if it was rebuilt in the real world but not too much as to make it impossible for you to finish your 20 or however many map project
Sorry if you already said but are you planning on doing a full scale overview when they're all done, I think that'd be a sight to see