This was solid. It wasnt perfectly realistic, but a great example of a high quality rct-guide park. I liked everything in the park except the darkride coasters and the mass of supports that was the Morgan hyper. great park, definetly coulda snagged silver imo.
Really enjoyed this, loved all the indoor rides, and the understated nature of most of the ride entrances, much like some real life parks I have been to.
Finally got around to having a look at this and was not disappointed. A very solid and nice park with little weaknesses and impressive consistency, despite the huge scale. Had a big amount of that Dutch charm parkmaking. Does anyone know if he's working on new stuff?
tdub96 Offline
Or maybe he couldn't speak English well and made a mistake. But this is amazing nevertheless. Could've definitely got an accolade. GUARANTEED
thats probally why it isn't done for accolade
here, but it is dutch.