Yea, I abandon this project for many reasons. I had gotten myself into to many parks and ran out of time. This park is also an older version. It was very poorly planned out, and the infrastructure was terrible. It had some good parts and some pretty bad parts, and there was just no way it could have been finished properly. Plus, it was very unoriginal.
When/if I go to a real busch park on the future, I will finish this concept, but I just don't feel I can capture the atmosphere of a Busch park with having ever been to one. So bassiclly, this concept will be finished by me at some point.
I have started another project in place of this park that is working great for me, and will be better than this ever could have been
I really enjoyed this! Some places were obviously stronger than others, but on the whole, this worked well. I did LOL at the 600 foot drop tower though... haha.
Yea, I abandon this project for many reasons. I had gotten myself into to many parks and ran out of time. This park is also an older version. It was very poorly planned out, and the infrastructure was terrible. It had some good parts and some pretty bad parts, and there was just no way it could have been finished properly. Plus, it was very unoriginal.
When/if I go to a real busch park on the future, I will finish this concept, but I just don't feel I can capture the atmosphere of a Busch park with having ever been to one. So bassiclly, this concept will be finished by me at some point.
I have started another project in place of this park that is working great for me, and will be better than this ever could have been
We need to talk.
My MSN is in my profile, working on getting an AIM up.