Park / Jaguar's Great Adventure Park
01-November 10
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Yeah, but it was strange and had many flaws. I'm just glad I finished it and some people thought it was accolade worthy. I wouldn't consider this a failure because I thought it was a pretty good park. Besides, I don't really car, this park doesn't need a write-up or logo.
tdub96 Offline
Thank you, it was my goal to make this park fun and full of innovative ideas that are rarely if ever used. Usually something like this would be hit or miss, but all the votes were packed together, and I am glad this turned out okay though. I guess it isn't what people were looking for in a park though. Anyways, thanks for the encouragin comment, I'll have more surprises in my parks yet to come.
That's what they said last time.
Maybe you should hold off on that.
But anyways this is far better than any of your work I've saw and while not perfectly executed it was interesting and held my attention
What I liked about this park was that style and atmosphere wise it had a certain uniqueness. However it felt very unorganised and just strange. Many things made me raise my eyebrows in a "wtf?!" kind of way. If you manage to translate the uniqueness into a more flowing and sensemaking way I should be very curious what it will look like.
This made me laugh.
Honestly though, i'm really glad that you stuck with this and finished it, a whole park this size deserves some recognition, and there were a few really cool things in here. I think if you put this many ideas into every little thing you make, and can make it all into a cohesive whole, you'll become a really good builder.
tdub96 Offline
Thank you for the comment. Hopefully I will improve.
Maybe next time, it's disappointing to see this not win, but hopefully I will improve from past mistakes.
Glad to hear that.
Also, looking back from this video: This park has really changed over a period of several months.