Park / The Ruins

Park_1673 The Ruins


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Hex%s's Photo
    i did this awhile ago and i gave up haha, im working on something newer and i hope its way better than this :)
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    This would've looked cool if you finished it. But don't submit parks like this as competetive if it's not even finished enough to give the panelists something to judge.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    I was the only one who had the balls to give this a 0?
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Sorry RMM but I don't subscribe to the 0 point philosiphy. I will continue to rate parks and give them what rating they deserve.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Yeah, although this was blatantly unfinished (and probably would have been better left un-submitted), I thought it at least showed a bit of effort. So, I gave it a 2. It's not about balls...balls would be giving SF Carolina or Kumba a 2.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    actually, this showed some nice beginnings and it really wasn't that bad.
  • Hex%s's Photo
    thanks for the comments and criticism, it is appreciated :)
  • Hex%s's Photo
    One of the reasons I submitted this park, is for you guys to see my old work, compared to my newer work and see if I improve, or not. I hope you will like my new design... I don't know when it will be released, but it should be soon.
  • 14.23%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 14.23%
    John 30%
    SSSammy 30%
    RCTNW 25%
    Roomie 25%
    Kumba 20%
    robbie92 20%
    CedarPoint6 15%
    turbin3 15%
    K0NG 10%
    5dave 5%
    BelgianGuy 5%
    geewhzz 5%
    Liampie 5%
    nin 5%
    RMM 0%
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