Park / The Genesis
23-February 06
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Journey To God
My second favorite area. Nothing here really stood out as amazing, but nothing stood out as terrible either. The coaster layout was ok. The theming ok. The colors ok. The rainbow was a nice touch though. Not much else I can say.
The Story of Adam & Eve
Definitely my favorite area. I loved the attention to detail. The swans, hacked elevators all meshed with the mine train were great. Not too much to complain about here. Solid parkmaking, great hacking and obvious creativity. However, I didn't like the use of rocks. I thought regular dirt would have suited the landscape better. Excellent stuff though.
Cloud Nine Labs
Everyone is saying this was their favorite area, but I dunno, I really couldn't get into it. Don't get me wrong, the architecture here was top notch, but I really felt it was missing something. I think also thought there was too much red and another color would have helped the scheme. For a 4D, the coaster was well-crafted other than some painful slow spots. The area as a whole just didn't appeal to me though.
This park as a whole was pretty good, but theres something about parks with tons of animated scenery that I just don't like. Animated scenery should only be used in moderation imo and this park just had way too much of it. Even with my newer computer, it really slowed down RCT2's framerate and does more hinderance to the park than benefit imo. As far as the resemblence to GCC, yes, its there, but it didn't really bother me too much. I still think GCC was better executed than this, but by no means do I feel you stole anything. I won't say anything about the themes. Placement-wise, I would've put janus's park ahead of this, but I think its definitely better than the 3 other parks.
So, sir magnus, congrats on this again. This is a good addition to your slowly-growing completed-park resume and I can't wait to see what you've got in store next.
Very impressive park, Maggy. Keep up the good work and I hope to see a solo from you.
If I judged, the order would be identical for me so far BTW.
Corkscrewed Offline
All the more reason for a round of applause.
The whole idea is something i myself could just never do (apart from alcohol i avoid all drugs really) well done.
Edited by HandyAndyG, 24 February 2006 - 07:34 PM.
It's not the idea that they were "stolen." If someone uses something else someone has used, that's primarilly due to inspiration. Yes, Magnus has used clouds and floating islands, but that doesn't mean its a GCC ripoff or a FT ripoff. That means he was inspired by those parks...but he uses the clouds, etc. for a completely different purpose. It would be a ripoff if he used a very similar concept, but he didn't. You just assumed that the park was a ripoff because you will not look beyond your foolish idea with this.
All I'm getting from your line of reasoning is, "if Person A comes up with a new way to use scenery, and person B does that later, that means person B ripped off person A." That's absolutely ridiculous. Look at the impact SA made with RoB. He was the one who really "invented" the use of arches for area transitions, brake runs, etc. and now just about every skilled RCT player uses them in a similar manner. So, assuming your "theory," if cBass invented the use of black tiles, and if you EVER put a black tile in any one of your parks, then you ripped him off. That's what you're saying.
Sorry for that long and pompous rant, but I could not help but be ridiculously annoyed by his ignorance...and the way he said it...
Edited by CoasterForce, 24 February 2006 - 09:16 PM.
Oh, wait...
Sorry haven't gotten to taking the park in yet. Tomarrow I think... It'll be a good time for me to jump back into Soul Calibur too since I've got a 3 day weekend. A well I'm a bit wasted at the moment. Sleep must come first now.
Corkscrewed Offline
Now, if he'd been all mad that it "got this low" you'd have a point. Instead, you come off sounding like a pretentious fool.
but hey i don't want to play the misunderstood mastermind, though the readme might look like this ...
thank you coasterforce. I really like your comment and handyandyg if you ever want to use my objects make sure it's no ripoff
And, the B&M area was just above average in all aspects. But that rainbow was a cool little touch though.
Great job overall, it was quite impressive.
Great job Magnus!
The park itself manages to generate a cool atmosphere in the two more developed areas. Cloud Nine Labs was definently my favorite for the sweet 4Ds, the classy color sceme and excellent architecture forms. The Eden area was interesting. I liked the Swans, the pink the elevators, rotating lift hills and all that but the coater's layout was WEAK and the "landscaping" was way too busy as a result of being all quater tiles. The Journey to God coaster was very good on it's own but nothing about its surrondings drew me in at all... The Rainbow was cool too I guess.
Not at all bad of an entry and though I personally wouldn't put it about DJ's it's certainly an amazing effort on your park Mag and I look forward to everything you may come to deliver in the future.
Corkscrewed Offline
My favorite detail out of all of this was that elevator. That's a hack I'm not quite sure how to do (but have imagined before), and it was VERY cool.
As a whole, this park is definitely no GCC. We have three lands tied to the idea of a sort of perverse heaven. The clouds were done much more elegantly than Old Red. The landscaping is fuller. The coasters are interesting. The 4-D was my favorite. Very cool dueling, and I didn't even realize it was one track until the end when I looked through the scenery! The mine train could have been totally awesome but ended way too quickly. Shoulda been twice as long. However, the theming is very well done. It's not exactly original, but it's not the blatant ripoff some might say.
The dive machine was pretty interesting, those less themed than I would have liked. I think your area around Adam and Eve is the strongest.
However, the park as a whole was quite nice. I might rank this slightly below DJ's, but it's definitely above Kumba's and Old Red's and Six Frag's. Well done, Magnus!
A very interesting entry. I had envisioned parks like this when I made the black tiles. I think a lot can be done with that concept, so I don't really care that you're using them to make little floating sections like has been done before, because I think it's just a natural way to develop that tool.
Anyway, the detail is very nice and the concepts are well executed. I like your use of height throughout. Cloud Nine Labs is my favorite coaster here. The pacing works well and I like the timing with the two sections. The architecture there is large and fun.
The Journey to God section I really didn't get. Maybe it's because I'm high.
The Adam & Eve part was my favorite overall, and it shows that you worked the most on it. The elevators are of course fantastic, a wonderful little detail. The swan ride is also quite whimsical and fun to watch. As others have indicated, the mine train was nothing to write home about.
The clouds all over are a great touch, and add especially to the wide view of the park.
The concept is ok, I guess. As a statement it's a little pretentious. And I respect your right to make art with RCT, but I still prefer artistically crafted parks.
I agree with that, in fact, I wouldn't mind seeing more parks using this concept because there are so many creative parks people could make!
I really liked the swan ride, that was nice. I also will never grow tired of the red glass/gray building type of architecture you used in the one section. Overall, I liked the park, I think you did a good job!