Park / Woodfield Park 10th Anniversary Edition
10-November 10
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Liampie 75% posix 75% SSSammy 75% RMM 70% Roomie 70% BelgianGuy 65% Wicksteed 65% 5dave 60% geewhzz 60% Evil WME 55% Milo 55% RCTCA 55% robbie92 55% John 50% nin 50% 62.31% -
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Congrats on a well deserved silver
And 5Dave that is a truely superb logo
Great job on the park magnus,i loved this park the first time around
Just thought I would reply directly to RRP to explain a bit more about it.
I agree with what you say, the park isn't as detailed as some of the parks are these days but I'm just old skool. I like playing the game for what it is. Sitting up, hacking away 'til the early hours of the morning doesn't interest me in the slightest and I would rather make a park that is aesthetically pleasing rather than a technical masterpiece.
Woodfield Park is probably my favourite of the parks I made in my heyday. I felt it was worth bringing up to my current level of play. Admittedly, this is by no means anywhere near the standard of some modern players. I wouldn't know where to start with some of the things you guys do! Plus, I don't really have the urge to learn either.
Hopefully you will enjoy the park for what it was and what it is now rather than what you think it should have been. I feel the park does everything it needs to and I didn't want to go overkill with new scenery and masses of unnecessary hacks. The original park didn't have any!
I like this park a lot, beautiful in it's simplicity. The park is so clean, and yet there are nice details to discover. The rides were all great and the architecture was nicely done, although slightly generic. The SLC was my favourite part. Thanks for sharing!
But I remember the way I looked at it (not knowing there's other ways to use rct except for rct2 and 3), I loved the creativeness and it's still one of the view LL creations that I like A LOT.
I also love the layouts !
Slightly worries me I still remember the original, but hey. Still a great park.
Love the SLC, reminds me a lot of the one I built in Grovelands Bay all those years ago.
I did consider doing an update to it too but never got round to it. Must be a download of it knocking around somewhere. Roomie might still have it?
It aint half bad if I must say so myself