Park / Summerway Beach
- 03-November 10
- Views 1,464
- Downloads 498
- Fans 1
- Comments 5
13.75%(required: 50%)
Spotlight Submission
RCTCA 35% posix 20% SSSammy 20% BelgianGuy 10% geewhzz 5% Liampie 5% 13.75% - 1 fan Fans of this park
- Download Park 498
- Objects 124
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I can get why posix and sssammy are giving a 20% but a 35% seems to high for this park...
Chilsons you know you can also submit parks non-competative. in that way people dont have to vote over it and it will take a lot less time to get it released and it gives the accolade panel more time to look at parks which are really fit for the accolades (off course I understand you want to get as many points as possible )
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