actually I have to admit I dont mind people doing this. I hope more people would do this. If there is a good recreation of a park then I don't see a reason why someone can't take it and update it so its up to par again. The original maker is also named so I see no problem.
Hopefully more "beginning" parkmakers would do things like this. Taking a unfinnished park and finnish it or updating a rec etc.
It is indeed a nice way to improve; however, it sometimes does not help the appeal of the park. If you look at stealth in this park, it's the in game Power launch coaster. Not much creativity with that.
I would be pretty pissed if someone took my park, edited it a little, and managed to get it onto a website somewhere. I don't mind people submitting other people's parks only so they're on NE4, but currently we don't have an option to not be a creator of a park you're submitting, so we have to trust people to make a note in correspondence that they should be removed as a creator as they just acted as a "submitter".
i am truly sorry everybody i didnt know we couldnt upload a park seen before and modify it a little you may deleat this park off of here if you'd like, but for now on ill ONLY put parks on here that i made... i have made some of my own parks like im trying to upload a recreation its all mine dont worry ,but i am really sorry didnt meen to cause trouble forgive me plz! promise ill only upload MY PARKS onto this site for now on. thnx for telling me that i cant though.
It is indeed a nice way to improve; however, it sometimes does not help the appeal of the park. If you look at stealth in this park, it's the in game Power launch coaster. Not much creativity with that.