thi has been released before, right?
except for the fact that you added stealth?
please forgive me if i'm wrong, but right now i'm a little suspicious.
Can anyone please confirm if it's stolen? I will delete the park instantly if it's the case. The guy submitted 6 or 7 parks of which none where exported. Only two could make it through because they were NCSO, of which one was this. He probably took them all from somewhere and just submitted them. Categories seemed to be randomly selected, too. I can't harldy reason why someone would feel the need to do this.
This reminds me of the guy that stole Lunatim's parks. Now that was obvious, and pretty insulting that someone would do that to such a good classic park maker. I have downloaded this park years ago.
2) Find who is the "real" creator of the park and update the member accordingly, along with the date.
I would prefer latter option. What I'm wondering though is if we can be sure that "rct2 dude" isn't actually "Ryan1994", the creator mentioned on rct grotto's page. But the impression sure is in favour of rct2 dude just being a troublemaker.
actually I have to admit I dont mind people doing this. I hope more people would do this.
If there is a good recreation of a park then I don't see a reason why someone can't take it and update it so its up to par again. The original maker is also named so I see no problem.
Hopefully more "beginning" parkmakers would do things like this. Taking a unfinnished park and finnish it or updating a rec etc.
except for the fact that you added stealth?
please forgive me if i'm wrong, but right now i'm a little suspicious.
Yeah, he might have stolen it. There are many great classic recreations out there.
1) Delete the park and topic altogether
2) Find who is the "real" creator of the park and update the member accordingly, along with the date.
I would prefer latter option. What I'm wondering though is if we can be sure that "rct2 dude" isn't actually "Ryan1994", the creator mentioned on rct grotto's page. But the impression sure is in favour of rct2 dude just being a troublemaker.
a lot of these old parks are, there are quite a few on RCT grotto and inc.
If there is a good recreation of a park then I don't see a reason why someone can't take it and update it so its up to par again. The original maker is also named so I see no problem.
Hopefully more "beginning" parkmakers would do things like this. Taking a unfinnished park and finnish it or updating a rec etc.