Nemos Revenge, my entry. This was a good competition overall, even after all the dropouts and everything it was still quite successful. Good job Becky- make the next one after PT2 though plz.
Just got around to looking at these. First off, congrats to Steve. Secondly, here's a few short reviews for some of the coasters that caught my eye. The others(about half of the entries) I either didn't care for, or I haven't looked at much yet. If I have time, I'll try to get to them later.
*Crimson Bullet - Possibly my favorite. True, it's just an Arrow, and thus it's possible goodness is somewhat limited, but I thought it was still an excellent design, with well placed elements and good pacing. It was never boring (except for maybe the lift, but even that was well done). Also, the surrounding theming, landscaping and architecture were great. I especially loved the two hikes. I think I've only seen a park hiking trail once before.
*Renegade - Probably my second fav. I can see how it won though, since steel twisters generally allow for more interesting designs. Overall, it was a great design. It flowed well, had nice landscaping, archy, custom supports, etc. The design itself reminded me of Scream!/Medusa East, just with theming, archy, etc. I guess it's quite a bit different though, since it only has 4 inversions.
*The Delta Demon - Very good GCI style design. I especially liked the helix near the end. The archy was nice too.
*Twister Roller Coaster 1 - Nice color scheme and fun layout.
*Sub Zero - Some excellent theming and such, but I didn't care much for the layout. Too long and rambling (a problem a seemed to find with several entries) and had a few slow parts.
*Diablus Infernus - A fairly concise and realistic style design, it had a nice look to it.
*Nemo's Revenge - I can't say I quite got this one. It's based on Nemo the fish, not the captain or the dreamer, right? It just seemed to meander around and not do much. I guess adventure rides have never really been my thing. The theming and archy were very nice though. However, I haven't seen the whole thing yet, because my computer overheated the first time I was watching it. Maybe if I watched it all I'd like it more.
Anyways, great job guys. I'll try to comment on the rest later.
That's the entrance to my coaster.
Guest_Hawk_ Offline
Nemos Revenge, my entry. This was a good competition overall, even after all the dropouts and everything it was still quite successful. Good job Becky- make the next one after PT2 though plz.
Just judging from this screen, I can tell why you won for your tribe. Amazing work.
Trav: Mmm... don't like it much. Complete overload and clustered tree selection, and it looks quite messy. Not my cup of tea.
Edited by Jazz, 15 November 2005 - 01:59 PM.
Xcoaster Offline
*Crimson Bullet - Possibly my favorite. True, it's just an Arrow, and thus it's possible goodness is somewhat limited, but I thought it was still an excellent design, with well placed elements and good pacing. It was never boring (except for maybe the lift, but even that was well done). Also, the surrounding theming, landscaping and architecture were great. I especially loved the two hikes. I think I've only seen a park hiking trail once before.
*Renegade - Probably my second fav. I can see how it won though, since steel twisters generally allow for more interesting designs. Overall, it was a great design. It flowed well, had nice landscaping, archy, custom supports, etc. The design itself reminded me of Scream!/Medusa East, just with theming, archy, etc. I guess it's quite a bit different though, since it only has 4 inversions.
*The Delta Demon - Very good GCI style design. I especially liked the helix near the end. The archy was nice too.
*Twister Roller Coaster 1 - Nice color scheme and fun layout.
*Sub Zero - Some excellent theming and such, but I didn't care much for the layout. Too long and rambling (a problem a seemed to find with several entries) and had a few slow parts.
*Diablus Infernus - A fairly concise and realistic style design, it had a nice look to it.
*Nemo's Revenge - I can't say I quite got this one. It's based on Nemo the fish, not the captain or the dreamer, right? It just seemed to meander around and not do much. I guess adventure rides have never really been my thing. The theming and archy were very nice though. However, I haven't seen the whole thing yet, because my computer overheated the first time I was watching it. Maybe if I watched it all I'd like it more.
Anyways, great job guys. I'll try to comment on the rest later.
Edited by Xenon, 18 November 2005 - 05:17 AM.