Crystal Springs Oasis was my big summer rct2 project. I think my skills really developed in this park as I kept having to change just about everything. I know it's not near up to NE talent, but here it is anyway. I'll appreciate any comments you can give in regards to my architecture style and how to improve.
Also, the read-me thing is in the zip file. Please read as it gives you a bit of a picutre into why the park layout is rather odd.
Really nice archy and and mood. Only complaint is that there are too few coasters and the ones that are there are a little short. BTW have you done any other parks we could take a look at?
Well, I have two parks that both won monthy competitions over at and then another small one I did a while back. Other then that, there really isn't too much. I'm rather new as you can see...
I do have some other stuff going and you can see my RCT3 work (Project Black Castle), but that's really it. PM, AIM, or MSN me for any of these downloads.
CedarPoint6 Offline
Also, the read-me thing is in the zip file. Please read as it gives you a bit of a picutre into why the park layout is rather odd.
(Is it possible to get this pinned? Thanks.)
inVersed Offline
The Rick 5 Offline
CedarPoint6 Offline
I do have some other stuff going and you can see my RCT3 work (Project Black Castle), but that's really it. PM, AIM, or MSN me for any of these downloads.