Park / Tièrre Mòrtica
- 12-March 06
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Six Frags Offline
The park was pretty much what I expected from a Corkscrewed release..
Like Aviara Cove, Calatravas and Rockwood Prison it was using that typical grant Corkscrewed architecture mixed with some great height variations.. In this park it all seemed a little bit more refined, although I prefered the style used in Calatravas (just a personal preference though)..
Like metro, I thought there was too much going on underground, but with a theme like this I think it kinda adds to the atmosphere.. Speaking of atmosphere, it was phenomenal in this one, and I think has the best out of all previous entries..
The landscaping was the best I've seen from you, and that waterfall part was the best I've seen in the game to date..
Really, it blows Old Red's away, and even the one you did in Aviara Cove.. The landblock usage was great too, although there were some flat parts of land that could've used some variation.. Some other could've-been-better parts were the overuse of animation pieces (which cause a lot of lag) and some slight overtreeing around the woodie..
The rides were for the most part well themed and nicely paced (when I deleted the animations).. I especially liked the wild-mouse, so that one has to be my favourite..
Now to the best and most original part of this entry; The storyline and custom language!
That has to be THE most original and fun feature of any rct-park to date!
I can only imagine what effort it has cost to make this all up.. I find it hard to even learn all the pronouns, adjectives etc. from the several languages I've learned in my life, so I can only have a lot of respect for you to think of anything like this.. The scavenger hunt also was a great idea, although I haven't found out what the 'secret' is yet..
Overall a great job and I'm looking forward to what Phatage came up with!
Edited by Six Frags, 12 March 2006 - 10:30 AM.
natelox Offline
Corkscrewed Offline
Gotta go, but I'll reply to the rest later.
EDIT: BTW, you're looking for names of rides, stalls, stores, and stuff like that. They're pretty specific.
newk Offline
congrats to both corkscrewed and phatage
Ruiz Offline
Ge-Ride Offline
3. Corkscrewed
4. Steve
5. cBass
6. JKay
9. ride6
10. Kumba
11. Jazz
12. Old Red
13. Six Frags
14. Magnus
Kumba Offline
spartan Offline
anyway congrats on 2nd place
Corkscrewed Offline
J/P I know that would be hit or miss, but I had fun putting it in. I figure that if you don't like it, you just ignore it. I'll translate everything like a few months from now if no one figures out "the secret."
Onto replies!!!! Well, replies that raised issues.
The dive machine I thought was ok, but I see your point. Mine train is DEFINITELY underground a lot, but for me, it was part of the theme. The train takes you into these mines where the ogre-type creatures lurk. And stuff like that. Notice the cages.
Florida fans might notice the correlation between this and the storyline of Halloween Horror Nights last year. I promise that is a coincidence. Only some of the details, like the ritual sacrifice, were inspired from that. However, the overall story was conceived independently.
I'm guessing the fire and smoke right? Ah well. That would be an intentional move, and if it has consequences, oh well.
Landscaping I don't think can ever be perfect, although I'd love to hear which specific "flat parts" you were referring to, so I can improve in the future!
That means a ton coming from you.
Glad someone noticed that.
I don't really think it affects much except the whole "secret finding" thing. Read the backstory instead. The intro gives you an idea. Skip the language lesson and go down to like page 5 and read the "history." That should be enough. The rest are just... names.
To everyone else, thank you very much for the warm replies, and keep them coming. I'm off to San Francisco, so I expect to see ten pages of replies when I get back!!!!
CoasterCrzy Offline
Corkscrewed Offline
CoasterCrzy Offline
hobbes Offline
Cork, this park is just amazing.
Normally I spend 10 - 15 minutes looking at parks before I've seen most of everything, but this... Well, I spent 10 minutes just deciphering, the language! The read-me was intriguing, but then the park was phenomenal. I've never been this immersed in a story. No other park, and even most games compare to the plot and history you've created, and then the detail to go along with it...
I have yet to start searching for clues, as I've got homework to accomplish now, but I had to comment on this. It is without a doubt my all time favorite RCT work. Just absolutely incredible...
X250 Offline
CoasterCrzy Offline
Also figure Corky that if Steve got Fatha's 12, he would've had a 3rd place right now.
Edited by CoasterCrzy, 12 March 2006 - 01:27 PM.
Corkscrewed Offline
Nah, yeah, you're on the right track. Basically, it's the number associated with evil, so I figured that'd be an appropriate number of guests to leave in... after one drowns.
JKay Offline
Confusing language aside, I still had trouble understanding the park. And yes, I did read the readme once all the way through and did refer to it a couple times later. The park probably goes way beyond my level of comprehension, alhtough I admittedly probably didn't have enough time to try to fully understand everthing today. So please excuse me cork if my comments sound rushed or ignorant.
The park had some really high points for me, most noteably the architecture. It was wonderful in a sick, demented way. Most of the time I spent in the park was analyzing the buildings. They were dark, mysterious, complex and structured all the same time, yet they remained meaningful somehow, which brought about the same feeling I got from darkjanus park. These buildings really demonstrated that you know what the hell you are doing with the architectural aspects of RCT2.
Next would be the rides (if you want to call them that). My favorite being the woodie, Esprí di Lùpôs, which had a tremendous layout. It takes over as my #2 favorite wooden in contest thus far, just behind cbass'. Some slow spots, but really the dominating ride in the park. Next was Mìnôe Mòrtica, the crazy hacked mine train that had a quite unorthodox layout imo, which probably worked better here than a traditional design. The layout was difficult to follow and it did spend a lot of time underground, but it added tons of substance to the park and felt really important for some reason. The only other ride that really caught my attention (for now) was the evil vertical drop coaster, Ritúl di Sàcrifyss. It also spent a lot of time underground and did crash after I had the park open for awhile, but again, it felt extremely important to what the park was trying to get accross and I enjoyed it. There were several other rides I didn't really spend too much time looking at, but could also tell they were interesting.
Overall, I must say this park is the most complete entry I've seen yet. It has tons of "mystery" appeal which makes it very desirable imo. As for the whole park concept, it was too dark, twisted and confusing for me, but I can still respect it. Like posix said in Steve's thread, we tend to like what we understand and I honestly did not understand a lot of this park. Its not your fault I don't understand the park, because you obviously do, so its hard for me to fault it for being too confusion. Like iris said, it really does feel more like a movie production than a park, which is extremely admirable on a lot of levels. So, as confusing as it is, I still think its the best yet and takes over cbass in my #1 spot right now.
And cork, I will do my best to analyze the park further and share more of my conclusions later.
If I were a judge:
Old Red [4.0]
Magnus [5.0]
Kumba [5.2]
Six Frags [6.0]
Jazz [6.5]
X250 [7.5]
darkjanus [7.9]
BchillerR Offline
Great job.
Stargazer Offline
Its the Number of the Beast my dear chap. Hence why the remake of The Omen is scheduled for a June 6th release date.
CoasterCrzy Offline