Park / Pinball Wizard


  • Turtle%s's Photo
    OK, so when this was released, I clearly missed the fact that different launch speeds give different routes for the "pinballs". Fuck me. That's amazing. One of the single best ideas in any RCT ever, up there with the invention of black tiles and invisible track.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Pretty fun, finally got a look at it!

    Wonder what the secret speed does :p

    The pinball never really gets hit, though, does it? That would be fun too.. Maybe even a use for the crossed track hack, you could make two of them or something!
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Sorry just caught up on the last few posts here.

    I think JK sums up exactly there should be a concept creation catagory that this project would fit into and SSSammy sums up exactly why there shouldnt be one.

    Those 2 posts sum up both sides of the coin exactly (and both in a well thought out well written way might i add :) ).

    This sort of concept isn't something i intend to do a lot. But if the idea comes up again I wouldnt count against it.

    Evil WME, Glad you finally saw it. The secret launch speed thing is actually written about further up in this thread :)
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    Sorry for the bump, but downward launch is the "secret"?
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    yes. Set the ride to downward launch using codex or beast without closing it and it will run a different cycle.