Park / Pinball Wizard
16-September 10
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69.62%(required: 65%)
RCTCA 90% Kumba 85% Loopy 85% RMM 85% ][ntamin22 80% 5dave 75% John 75% nin 75% Wicksteed 75% turbin3 70% SSSammy 55% Louis! 50% Nokia 50% posix 45% geewhzz 40% 69.62% -
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The Aim here was to build something completely different to anything we have ever seen here. And I would like to think think I achieved this.
However I'm glad it got out there and It I hope it provides you guys with something different to look at try. It certainly provides one hell of a contrast to SFC
Oh and Geewhzz the write up refers to me as Rommie
PS: There is a secret Track in this design if u guys can find it
tdub96 Offline
SSSammy - i understand your concerns although i perhaps dont agree
Levis - Whats stopping you?
RCTMASTA - LL includes AA/CF so all you need is to by the original and LL
Fizzix - Thanks very much. That was pretty much the aim
GigaG - Thanks
dmaxsba - Thanks very much. As mentioned i agree it doesnt quite fit as a design. But i thought it fit better than park release
Nokia - Thanks for the thoughts. Again i understand the critque
Note: For those with a trainer handy (Beast or Codex). Try setting the main ride to Downward launch Mode for more fun
Which was exactly the point of a Concept Creation as Nokia also mentioned. It's for the things that aren't a design, but also aren't a (full)park. Wonder why that ever disappeared though.
Anyway, I have to judge from the overview as I don't have LL here anymore, it looks decent, but I think that I have to see it in action to fully appreciate it. Good enough for a design though.
although design might get you more points
I always try to vote according to the little guides next to the percentage options- "I liked this more than I disliked it", "I didn't like most of this" , etc.
This is probably not the shining example of what a "design" should be, but what category it goes in isn't my problem. That's between the parkmaker and admins/submission reviewers (not accolade panelists).
No disrespect intended with any of this...
Is this the first park that has been submitted of this style since the end of the Concept Creation category?
How did the panelists feel about voting for this since it was submitted as a design or would many of them have rather seen it submitted as a park release?
This is probably going to come off the wrong way and I really don't mean for it to and I have no doubt that I do not have all the information about why Concept Creations were removed from judging but the two lowest scores came from the NE administrators and I assume they are the one's who decided to get rid of the Concept Creation category in the first place, so I have to ask should it be restored?, and do their scores for this release reflect their dislike for this kind of submission in general?
Now that I probably made everyone mad, I just want to say again that was NOT my intention.
I think it would be healthy to have it back in cases like this as I don't believe this park suits the class of a design. Whilst still very creative and skilled in every aspect it just doesn't feel right. I think if Roomie wanted this to be a design, he'd theme the complete area around the outside to showcase a ride in a park, by not doing that it's clear to me that Roomie just wanted to showcase the concept.
When I judge a design I always judge how good the ride would be in a park or an environment, the layout and how well it does it's job and how true the layout resembles current day models. This is all well and good with realistic designs and fantasy designs to some extent but when a concept like this is thrown in the works it's neither realistic or fantasy, it's just an idea. Maybe I'm getting carried away but I agree with certain people who were half and half about this. While I think the execution is top class and the idea is somewhat amazing I don't think it fits within the design boundaries.
since Posix and geewhzz took over, they were forever toying with the idea of scrapping the weaker afterthought-type-releases, and centralsing the whole accolade system around the G/S/B thing. the Concept Creation catagory was created to fill a gap in the market which came from people using the game in new ways. my understanding of the situation is that posix and gee wanted an accolade system free of influence and the "you should build like this to get this accolade" mindset which most of the community was in.
so, at this point in time, concept creation should not be added back into the system, as i think we all want an accolade system where anything can get an accolade. not the current "this, this and this go in this catagory, and this, this and this go in that catagory" system.
(if i have completely mistold the story, i'll accept responsibility for my retarded account of what happened and edit the post, i however think i got all the important stuff in there.)