Park / Alien
08-September 10
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71.54%(required: 65%)
Kumba 85% Casimir 80% Nokia 80% Roomie 80% SSSammy 80% robbie92 75% CedarPoint6 70% John 70% Liampie 70% RCTNW 70% geewhzz 65% Louis! 65% turbin3 65% chapelz 60% Wicksteed 60% 71.54% -
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The coaster election was quite electrifying and several of the buildings had incredible structure that reminded me greatly of some of the architecture shown by Blitz-Sama, Mala, and Darkjanus at different times back in the PT2 era. The custom supports, queue line, switch track and general intelligent use of "realistic details" really helped Alien's function as both a visual theme piece and, quite beautifully I might add, as an actual coaster.
I think between Kumba and this we've witnessed the best two designs in a row in quite some time. Both stuck to their guns, and pulled out awe-inspiration and musefully inspirational examples of what they aimed for. I'd have judged this a 16 or 17 if I'd judged... Really solid.