Park / Elk

Park_1573 Elk

North East: Turtle vs SSSammy


This park shares comments with 4 other parks(View Parks)
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    turtle's & fk's park exported:
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    sammy's park was really amazing, the supports were brilliant and the theming was great too. :)
    turtle's park was good, but I prefered sammy's.
    fk's park was okay, i liked the first drop of the woody (why didnt the trains glitch?!)
    tolsimir's park was great, the eifel tower + the foliage were stunning. i really loved all these little flower beds.
  • verti%s's Photo
    Brilliant Turbin3, thanks.
  • John%s's Photo
    I really liked both Turtle and SSSammy's entries. Simba was oozing with atmosphere and just had the magic in all the right places. Landscaping and architecture were impeccable and meshed well with the coaster's dark structure. Elk was an incredible technical masterpiece. Absolutely loved the custom supports and everything down to the bare, muted station that most GCIs have. Had to give it to Turtle this go around, if only because I will always go for a more developed atmosphere in RCT as opposed to all-out realism. Such a shame to have to see either of them eliminated, though.

    I enjoyed the novelty in FK+Coastermind's coaster, but overall the entry was really, really bare. I also wasn't sure why it was necessary to have the extra chains on multiple hills, or that the initial lift was moving at a lofty 20+ mph? Tolsimir's coaster, on the other hand, was seemingly bare in all the right places; a very nice, pleasant, and beautiful entry, to be sure.

    Not every GCI has Millenium Flyers right?

    Nope, they don't. Although, according to Wikipedia, Gwazi (Busch Gardens Tampa) and Roar (Six Flags America) are the only two operating without. They have PTC trains instead.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    I liked Tolsimir's the best, The "Elevator Cable roll" was one of those little detials that makes you smile.

    Havent decided SSSammy Vs. Turtle yet though...
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    ...if you didnt get it, my entry was based off of El Toro. Thus the accelerated speed lift, the extreme (almost verticle) first drop, and the fast pacing. The chains on the top of the hills were an early pacing issue that i fixed and then never removed. laziness can kill

  • Wanted%s's Photo

    However Tolsmir's was the best. Lemme make a bold statement. Tolsmir's entry reminded me of Emergo, KIND OF.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    FK I knew it was based on El Toro but is it that fast that it goes over a hill at 60km/h?
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Yeah thanks to those that have said already, but I did my research. Gwazi and Roar have PTC trains, that's why I put them on, as this atmosphere was loosely based from both of those coasters.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    oh ok, its just that all the gci's I've seen had the other train type
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    BelgianGuy-usually the speed of the train and the speed it says on the traintraker can seem way off. i mean, if it hit that hill at 25mph in real life, it would look extreme, but if i made it hit 25mph in game, not only would it look slow and boring, but it would have made it through the rest of the coaster. ya, maybe it seems extreme if you look at the trains 'game' speed, but i wanted to capture the feel of toro rather then just the numbers.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    great work to all competitors, it's a shame that there are so few match-ups. i especially liked Turtles and Fk's. perfect mix of simplicity and elegance.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    all the entries were comparatively weak, voted for turtle based on layout and landscaping.

    tolsimir had some nice archy but the bare grass wasn't working for me (unfinished, right?)
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    all the entries were comparatively weak, voted for turtle based on layout and landscaping.

    tolsimir had some nice archy but the bare grass wasn't working for me (unfinished, right?)
  • Tolsimir%s's Photo
    Nah it wasn't unfished, it is just more of a park in a city with some attractions than an amusement park. The grass is some kind of sunbathing area for the citizens who dont have a garden :p

    My vote went to Sammy, both entries were on par imo but sammy's cat family made it for me :p
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Looks like you got this one Sam! Well played sir.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    and you, buddy. honoured to have gone up against you. i wouldn't count your chickens, though. i think it's more than possible you can steal 4th.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    So its now exactly 16-16

    shall i close the voting now? lol or carry it on for another day?
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    close it right now ;)
    edit: kidding
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    you sure? you happy to both go through like originally planned, now that the community has put you at even?

    edit: voting is still open guys. will stay open till tomorrow
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    I haven't seen either entry and can't find my RCT2 disk. Would anyone like to purchase my vote? I have no morals.