Park / Six Flags Carolina
13-September 10
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My favorite coaster in the park was easily Bizarro because it would be the best ride out of the coaster line up in real life, but I have to give an honorary mention to Mind Eraser, just because how everything, even the operating area, was just like real life. Terminator was also very well done with little details like the truck, the metal tanks around the queue, and the entrance over a service road worked out perfectly like SFMM's without feeling forced to be like that. Thunder Run has barely anyone riding it, so even the popularity of rides was accurate in this case of it being renowned as a jack hammering painful ride.
Moving onto the non-coasters. My favorite was the Log Jamboree, not just because I enjoy log flumes, but how well it turned out and with a working dual station and all. The theming on Ghost Blasters was awesome, especially on the Bleakstone Manor facade. Darlington Racers was also pretty impressive with the hacking to make it run like a real go karts, but when looking around, one kart crashed and a rider was killed. I suppose SFC will soon have a huge lawsuit on their hands like its inspiration SFKK. Bad publicity, removal and future large replacement attraction anyone? Haha.
Now for some negatives, because no park will ever be "perfect." Besides the go karts crash, the Pepsi machines should have been Coke since Six Flags doesn't use Pepsi in their parks. Also, I would have preferred to see a standard drop tower instead of the rotating car version since SFC's was a 1995 and the rotating ones were not in production yet. There were a few missing crown moulding bench pieces missing from around one of the planters near Rainbow, but I didn't see anything else that seemed obvious.
That is about all man, congrats on your spotlight and new top player ranking. Much deserved. I had so much fun looking through this and is now my new favorite park on NE. Good luck with Sea World!
RMM Offline
This park is definitely my new #1. So much detail was put into everything, it was mind blowing. Some of my favorites were the chain returns on the coasters, the popcorn stands and other stalls, the interiors, the placement of buildings, the flow the path system had, those Go-Karts, the various custom flats, the model of The Penguin, the wall on the path over the splash boats to prevent peeps from getting wet if they didn't want to, and the carrot and rockets. Really amazing job.
The rides I felt all fit in their spots perfectly, and I loved watching each and every one of them. Terminator I felt was a little too slow, but that's just me. It was a really great layout, and the theming was top of the line. The dive loop on Bizarro I felt could have been a little faster, but again, that's just me. I loved the drill in the corkscrew, it was extremely well executed. The Vecoma's were very entertaining to watch, and very good layouts as well. Thunder Run was a prime example of a classic woodie, even if it's not completely original, I loved it. The water park was a world in of itself. Each of the slides were well thought out, and fit in the park perfect.
The read-me was another piece I thought was perfect. The history of the park is rich and realistic, and can easily be imagined real. Amazing job, CP6.
I first saw this park was released while I was checking the site before school, and was eager the whole day to get home and open up the park, and ultimately, get transported to another world. I did, and will continue to get completely absorbed in this park, and will love every second of it.
Keep up the fantastic building, Brian. You pushed the envelope with Watkin's Woods 3 years ago, and you've done it again. Nothing can stop you when you put your mind to it, and this is a prime example. I'm eagerly awaiting your Seaworld park, and until, then, I'll be lost in this park. Amazing job.
The park as a whole is absolutely astonishing. You've a great park layout, great ride layouts, beautiful architecture that really makes me go "wow". I mean, you've got outskirts such as a hotel, park related buildings and restaurants, some really great stuff in there.
I really liked the entrance area the most in the whole park, as i personally find them hardest to do, but you've nailed it! Super cool and realistic architecture, and little details such as the prams at the front building. The path leading up to it is also pretty nifty and fits in well with the rest of the park.
In contrast to realistic theme parks and flat rides i think you've done a really good job. There all really accurate and realistic, they've all got those little entrance huts/control booths some where near. I really like the queues you made for most of them as well, again, very realistic.
To the coasters now and I've got to say this park has some rippers! My favourite is easily Terminator. Its got great interaction with the peeps, the station fly-by, the diagonal break run across the entrance area and the lift hill going up right by the queue line it self. The theming was also really well done, really made me think of Terminator at SFMM, I really love the station too. Like, the little details like the longer wait for the front seat and the truck at the turn around, and i also quite like how you've done the supports with the wooden fence as well, i commend you for that as well as many people don't bother with those now days.
Bizarro would be my next favourite coaster in the park. Really nice station again and some great details like the fence with the warning signs at the back, great interaction with the queue and the gift shop was also really well done. I also liked how the gift shop was built into the exit line so that people would be forced to at least walk through it, i thought this was very realistic.
To Batwing now, excellent coaster as far as realism goes, very good layout, easy to follow, great support work, love the dueling station by the way. The queue line was well done as well, and i liked the clean-ness of it all too, so really good job on that coaster.
My next favourite would probably be Mind Eraser. I loved this! Great supports, really realistic, like the big concrete footers, very Vekoma-esque. The station was absolutely incredible, i loved the details like the yellow line that you'd see in a normal park, very realistic touch there, and one you did in all coasters i must say.
Road Runner, what a little gem of a coaster. Incredibly realistic, great support work again, i loved the little details like the rocket, (i know this isn't part of the coaster but i love the idea of a carrot on that restaurant close by) the station, again, was very cool and realistic too.
Thunder Run, while a great coaster, don't get me wrong, i didn't enjoy as much as the others. The layout held my interest for 2-3 runs and that was about it. Having said that i like all the details you incorporated into it though, like the station waiting bays, the queue and again, the support work.
Other rides such as Log Jamboree, (an amazing log flume if I do say so my self) Blizzard River and the Go-Karts were really done and i think you should be commended on your effort for hacking them for the extra realism.
Hurricane Harbour, easily the best water park i have ever seen in any of the RCT series! Great work getting the majority of the rides peepable and able to function properly with out frequent breakdowns. Great details like the wave pool, the towel shop and the large entrance you built for it as well.
Again, the outskirts of the park, like the food storage, the plant greenhouses, the foliage, the fast food outlets and the hotel were all really well done and super realistic. I especially loved how you had a manager walking around in Arby's
So with all these positive aspects of the park, surely there are some negatives? Well yes, but it doesn't really bother me too much, was the peeps in the park, most of them were hungry or needed to go the bathroom, but that doesn't bother me because i can fix those in a heartbeat. Although, for a park this size you didn't have many peeps in it at all, ~2500 or there about, i found that incredibly odd, but again im not to fussed on it.
So in conclusion, well done Brian on your second spotlight park here at NE, you've really set the bar up high now for realistic parkmakers. I for one, am looking forward to your next release, what ever it maybe.
Keep up the brilliant work.
tdub96 Offline
The coasters were nearly perfect. The Boomerang was spot-on, nothing really else to say for a boomerang
The details were some of the most amazing things ive ever seen, and the waterpark was fantastic. Overall, definetly my favorite release of the year so far, and definetly one of my favorite parks of all-time. Congrats on the spotlight and the World's #1 Ranking, it is well deserved.
Really nothing to complain about with the individual rides, all were very well executed and did justice to their real-life counterparts/inspirations. I thought you did an especially great job at making the wild mouse and the slc compact, although the log flume may have been too much so seeing how quickly it takes some of those turns. The recs were great, with Chang's incline loop perfectly executed, it just sucks that while I agree that the way you did the dive loop is most accurate, the pacing inherently is not. Just a question, what are the random yellow footers for? Architecture and foliage were pretty good on an individual basis, but I personally would have liked these categories on the whole better signify the older parts of the park from the newer ones.
Now I know it's a Six Flags park and all, but I found it too similar to SFKK, making its realism more suspect. For a park to have so similar a layout and ride selection made it hard for me to believe that this park could exist in real life. It really wasn't an extrapolation/conglomeration of other parks rather than an overly-inspired close-recreation. At first I was pleased to see that you matched up the right rides for the park's projected attendance, being that parks like SFKK get the cheaper and lower capacity Vekoma inverts/flyers, free (I'm assuming for yours that is so correct me if it isn't true) admission to Hurricane Harbor, obviously a smaller size, and generally a ride lineup that won't draw the average person from over 5 hours away to make the trek. However, it's hard to tell if there was thought that went into your lineup rather than mere mimicry, and as alluded to before, it's hard to believe that there would be two parks in the world that would have SKFF's unique layout much less in the same chain. Basically what I'm saying is that if SFKK never existed and you build this, I would be in much more awe for the ingenuity while at the same time how faithful it is to a standard SF park, which apart from its layout SFKK is pretty much one.
Please don't let the above paragraph detract from my praises of the park, as I said it was incredibly polished and really fun to look at. Great job and I hope you build a park someday that has this level of detail while being a bit more original.
Anyway, overall this was extraordinary. I'm not sure why I have a hard time saying that it's my favorite park of all time, and I don't want to be one to jump on pure realism for being boring. But I think Phatage is right in that not only is it a Six Flags park, it's not an original Six Flags park
What I think would be absolutely amazing is if you took your brilliant realistic detailing to a more unusual landscape, such as a larger Lake Compounce or smaller Magic Mountain
That's my two cents, though.
Yeah, I guess you're right...I've never actually been there
Anyway the park is brilliant regardless