Park / Ancient Warrior

Park_1563 Ancient Warrior


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    This was a tough one, actually. I liked a lot of things, and there was definitely thought put into stuff, but I really think it could have been improved. The layout was decent, although lacking in some realistic touches (like a brake run). I also thought the pacing could have been vastly improved-- it was a bit of a long layout, perhaps. I could see the T-Express influence, though, which was nice. The rest of the architecture was solid, although I'm not a huge fan of paths that are a certain set length across and then straight for a long period. I prefer to see them grow and shrink with the things around them. Either way, a good submission to add to your repertoire, hopefully the next will work out.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    Path and stuff like the missing brake-run really made me feel your missing out with this one really, I liked the coaster though and the setting was great, but what really was a let-down for me was that all buildings where blocks and all path was a straight line, you made such beautiful mountain to just cut through the landscape with a giant boulevard, the path would've looked better if it had flowed as nicely as the coaster did with the mountain...
  • Insanity%s's Photo
    I honestly thought you deserved a design on that. :'( The only thing sticking out to me were the colorful trees, the straight paths, and the lack of sufficient buildings... but thats it.
    That stinks; but I can see you doing something big on your next try...
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    cp6 has it about covered.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    This had a lot of the ingredients that mae me say "yeah, this is worth showcasing on the front page", but some were still missing. The path/park layout was definitely the weakest point here.

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