did you try move the file to the savegames-folder? i don't know why, but i get the same error when i try open the file from any other folder (i.e. desktop)
That enterence posix, was your best work possibly ever. Please oh please bring that sense of class and style to the pt2. This site needs more of that moderatly classical, realistic, beautiful stuff. Maybe it's just the pink flowers with those wall textures though. SooooooOOOOoooooOOOOooo pretty.
Anyway It's a bummer this crashed an burned, particularly since we haven't seen much from any of you three recently (except for steve I guess, with his pt entries).
Anyway, didn't like too much, except for the entrance (well, which is most of the park). What I loved about it is how much of it reminded me of mp3mystro. Very nice, although nowhere near your "best work ever"
what is there is the entrance, made by me and a bit of steve's area he started.
i believe the project died because we were just mindlessly playing without any true aim, focus or concern.
so here it is released unfinished.
Here's to project ciel!
RMM Offline
Richie Offline
Anyway your entrance was pretty wonderful.
i don't know why, but i get the same error when i try open the file from any other folder (i.e. desktop)
The coaster, however, is easily the worst beemer I've seen in ages.
or first open rct to then load the sv4 from it.
still invalid data? reinstall ll using my guide as well.
panic, if you think my entrace was thought out then you have fallen for the illusion.
rmm, you're absolutely right.
there's also very few of steve's work. unfinished though so i didn't take a screenshot.
Richie Offline
might be the reason.
Richie Offline
That entrance was pretty nice, but that coaster had a horrid layout.
Anyway It's a bummer this crashed an burned, particularly since we haven't seen much from any of you three recently (except for steve I guess, with his pt entries).
Possibly the one entry I'd look forward to the most!
Anyway, didn't like too much, except for the entrance (well, which is most of the park). What I loved about it is how much of it reminded me of mp3mystro. Very nice, although nowhere near your "best work ever"