Park / Disney's Discovery Island
23-October 02
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But, well, I didn't like the buildings the dark rides were in, because, I don't know, they coulda been more detailed.
Pretty Disney-esque, tho.
Now lets see what you can do with RCT2.
Anyway - I initially declared this park to be my favourite park overall, and still partly stand by that decision (especially where the hotel map is concerned). Let it be known that Notre Dam is the best 'custom freaky launch' ride built to date. Well done Nate, you are in my top 5. Twice.
I think that out of all the disney parks, besides all of the Disney Sea parks, this was the most like Disney. The covered buildings were a nice subtle touch that gave it a nice Disney feel. Discover Mountain Mining Co. was the best coaster in the park. It just clicked with me. I have really know reason why its my fav, it just is.
The hotel map was also really cool. The Marriot Hotel was my fav. Not because of the architecture or anything. It just really seemed like a Marriot. The bland box style hotel seemed so perfect to the real thing.
But still, one of my favorite spotlights. and that B&M Flyer was awesome. I can't wait to see a Disney RCT2 park, I bet that would be amazing.
I've never been a fan of Natelox parks. Last year at Danimation Natelox was becoming popular by releasing a lot of parks in his now patented dark style and I just didn't care for them. I always thought there was potential there in the ride designs and creative buildings but the overuse of trees, multi-toned paths and coasters, and reliance on a limited color pallete always turned me off in the end. Warner Bros. Portico Cove showed me that Natelox's style was changing and then DDI really blew me away. It's one of those rare parks that really stands out as a step above the excellent parks even a step above the NE Spotlights if that's possible. Not since UIX was I so astonished and in awe as when I first opened DDI and it's my fovorite NE sptolight now.
For a park to truly be amazing it must be consistent first of all. This is unmistakingly one park and not a half dozen mini park sections shoved together just like UIX. The theming style of each area carries throughout the park even while the details and colors are varried. This is something Natelox has always excelled at actually, it just stands out more for me since this style is so much more appealing.
Secondly, the really great parks have a certain motif throughout. With UIX it was bright colorful rides with custom supports and colorful little blocks of flowers and bushes spread throughout the path system. With DDI it's dark rides obviously and also rocky coastal terrain. Of course a lot of people now are building rocky terrain but the way DDI uses it makes me feel like I've never seen it before. I guess I've just never seen it used this effectively (or this thoroughly either).
I could go on finding more characteristics of a top 5 RCT park but I'm getting kinda bored with that trail of thought. This park looks like Warner Bros. Portico Cove stretched out through a whole park but other than that, it doesn't look at all like the other Natelox parks I've seen. The trees provide a nice backdrop without cluttering things up, the paths and coasters are all mono-tone (thankfully) and all of the coasters work aesthetically and practically. Maybe it doesn't seem like a huge change to you Natelox, but it seems like like a huge change to me. There are so many wonerful details that I could point out but there isn't much point to that I guess cause everything is awesome. I don't know why the park doesn't have as many downloads as the other spotlights but it certainly isn't because of the quality of the park. I'm sure RCT2 is a huge factor, and future RCT spotlights will probably garner even less enthusiasm than this one regretably.
Anyway, I don't have any advice for you since you're obviously on top of your game. I'm sure you know how good the park is more than any of us since you're the one who built it anyway. As far as the Disney style is concerned, this doesn't have the happy cheery toon-town side of Disney but that isn't what makes Disney parks so great anyway. The Disney mystique means flawlessy detailed and refined theming which isn't overblown like IOA but very natural. The rides shouldn't call attention to themselves as artifice but should blend into the landscape. This park is overflowing with classic Disney charm in every area. That's my opinion on the matter anyway, as if it matters. A rose by any other name....well you know the rest.
Anywayz my Review...i told ya i would do one eventually
Coasters -
Architecture - Very nice...the buildings were very great and i could see a little Elrocko buildings in there as u said in the read me that he did a lot of buildings. i love the coasters in the buildings and the Roofs/No Roofs idea
Theming - Themeing was perfect. It Captured the Disney feel VERY WELL IMO and set the tone for more great Nate parks to come.
Overall Look - This park had a simple amazing first look. Even with the roofs this park looks very complex (it is) and without the roofs make it even more amazing.
Rating - My new #2 (yes beating Troy [sorry Iris] lol). I dont know what it is about LoTV but it norrowly beat this Adix said it IS prolly the Luge or Malas Woodies...anywayz this has the same rating as Troy but lets just say Troy was a 9.9 and this is a...9.86 or something: 9.8/10
Amazing job Natelox
It was pretty drab and boring, much different than DDI.
I mean, come on.
Dueling Mala Looping Launched Wooden Coasters
Adix's best Luge Coaster ever.
A Nevis Box-Track Hyper Coaster.
A 10+ B&M Coaster with great theming
A Hyper-Inverted Coaster
An incredible Arrow Looper
A Hacked Shuttle Ride
A well themed indoor gliding coaster
Plus, a very well executed dark style.
I really liked the launch coaster, very weird. But overall, I really liked your park.
Corkscrewed Offline
anyways, i like this little explosion on comments, whether iris was behind it or not. Cork, that may be it, but i like Pyro's theory better
This park confuses me, okay there are good things about this park:
- Submarine Ride was brilliant
- Architecture was brilliant
- HOND was good aswell as was the water-coaster
Bad Things -
JIYI - Flew over rocks, and errrrr....thats it? Wouldnt Disney offer some variation in the theme for such an expensive ride? Oh sorry--there's a volcano, my mistake
Test Track and Jouney to the centre of the earth, where hardly differant except one went faster and had differant trains
ROCKS!!!! THOSE ROCKS!!! Okay for a couple of ride its alrite, but for every coaster in the park? Thats a bit excessive, maybe a bit of variation, themes.
Anyways, no where near the best Spotlight but I can see why people like it, I just dont dig excessive rocks
All Rocks and no variation makes Stargazer a dull boy
All Rocks and no variation makes Stargazer a dull boy
All Rocks and no variation makes Stargazer a dull boy
All Rocks and no variation makes Stargazer a dull boy
All Rocks and no variation makes Stargazer a dull boy