Park / Ikaros
- 23-July 08
- Legacies Themepark
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- Comments 9
The failed design that later became a spotlight; Legacies Themepark. When I finished this it was easily my best work in some ways; this is where modern Liampie was founded.
If you like Legacies this is probably fun to look at. - No fans of this park
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Liampie Offline
Let me know what you think about it!
Xcoaster Offline
Like I said, the coaster could've been better, which is what held it back. While the ending looked bad in the screens, it ended up being one of the most memorable parts of the design. And the theming really was very good. If there had been a bit more focus on the coaster, this certainly would've been a design for me, as you've definitely got the secondary aspects down. As it was, it was more of a mini-park, as the non-coaster aspects were generally the most interesting.
Liampie Offline
Lucky for you I'm redoing parts of the coaster soon!
edit: I always forgot to thank people... Thanks for your opinion!
Edited by Liampie, 23 July 2008 - 02:29 PM.
Louis! Offline
ill have a full review at some point
CedarPoint6 Offline
Hope to see you keep building stuff!
posix Offline
Comet Offline
It was really great Liampie, I especially loved the ending (minus the lift hill). And the backstage area was also an amazing touch, hope to see more of this type of stuff from you.
JJ Offline
eyeamthu1 Offline
Overall, I did enjoy the coaster and its theming, but sort of agree with the fact that it feels more like a mini park than a design, and also, it just sort of lacks that certain extra special something to make it design-worthy. And so it sort of sits on the borderline between getting the design spot and not, which is what the results seem to show.
Fisch Offline
I found it a bit strange that the backs of the buildings were higher detailed and looked even better to me than the fronts.
Also water is not white/grey!! Besides that I liked it at most parts but as others already said you should have focused on theming the coaster instead of the rest.