Park / Naturepark The Golden Lion

Park_1549 Naturepark The Golden Lion


  • bobo1981%s's Photo
    After months of work, the park is finally ready.
  • posix%s's Photo
    well done on finishing!
  • elby%s's Photo
    this one is huge 0o
    i liked turbine^^
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this park. It somehow gives off a soothing, realistic feel that I like. At the same time it seems really dull color wise and seems just a little too simple and repetitive. You're improving it seems, which is always nice to see. Anyway nice job and I hope to see some more work from you.
  • Carl%s's Photo
    Nice park, the coasters were good :D
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Wow, that took two hours to look through. But still, anyone can see the sheer enjoyment of the game in this park. Great work.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Very well done on finishing. There's not many people who have finished 256's, and even less people who have done it with the consistency shown here. Nothing really dazzled me, as in my opinion too many of the "dull" colours were used where a brighter colour would have infused some life, but it was all solid.
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Yeah i have to agree with everyone else here. Nothing amazing, but solid work. Serious kudos for finishing a 256, as has been said. The only thing that bugs me is that you named it after a pub (one of my locals, infact) ;)
  • Roomie%s's Photo


    The only thing that bugs me is that you named it after a pub (one of my locals, infact)

    emo_ffaf: nice way of showing your true british side :). there is infact a golden lion near me too.

    I actually quite liked this park. it is indeed rare that someone finishes a park this big but there were some nice ideas in here. (a couple i might have to borrow in LL if you dont mind? i like the ending to the slides quite a lot in the 1st screen)

    There were a few things that bugged me like the big drops into brake runs such as this.

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    the watercoasters block brakes were a bit screwed up
    The hyper coaster was interesting. it reminds me very much of a japanese design.
    You did also repeat coaster types a bit with 2 inverts. etc. but i suppose with such a large map its unavoidable to a certain extent.

    But dont get me wrong there were plenty of good bits.
    I loved this area with the invert and the river ride over the water.
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    And this area was nice. i liked the mine train (an under used coaster) and the interaction with the rapids.
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    And although this is simple i did enjoy the take on the boomerang
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    Anyway. (i hope u dont mind me posting some screens) but i did truely enjoy looking around the park. its a great achivement. and although its not amazing it does have its moments. congrats :)
    And keep at it