Park / Kumba
06-September 10
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- Comments 56
92.69%(required: 65%)
5dave 95% chapelz 95% geewhzz 95% inVersed 95% Liampie 95% nin 95% RCTNW 95% ][ntamin22 95% Casimir 90% CedarPoint6 90% Evil WME 90% K0NG 90% Roomie 90% SSSammy 90% Steve 90% 92.69% -
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92.68%? Isn't that like the highest design ever? Friggin legendary Kumba. It's without a doubt the best recreation I ever saw on rct2.
Not a shrub out of place.. Well maybe 1 or 2.
What I loved the most though, was that control box near right after the final helix.
BTW, why is the 100% out of spotlight category. Is it like Legendary Spotlight Design?
I hope you guys enjoy the custom scenery, I spent A LOT of time on it. Tried a few things but never got the rounded catwalk to look better than the 45 deg. one and flat, so I skipped that. Maybe because I copped out on that I worked hard on the animated gate until it was usable, tho not perfect.
Dotrobot, idk what a custom palette is... so no?
Ok less then 1000 points shy of nate now...
Thanks for the feedback. Also a big thanks to the release prep team. I love the logo (and now avatar!) J K did
Oh and this rec is dedicated to my cat, Kumba Jr.
Till the next one...
I would have given it a twenty, as I think this design will revolutionize parkmaking to the same degree that Watkins Woods did a few years back. It sounds so cliche, but this is, in my opinion, about as close to real life as anyone has ever come with this game. Congrats man.
i spent a good 30 minutes viewing this.
which says a lot, because for 1) i never open the game anymore. 2) i never download any parks and view them. and 3) i never typically view a design or park for more than 10 minutes at a time.
yes i'll view them again, but it takes a lot for something to completely and utterly hold my attention.
this was brilliantly spot on darren.
hot damn
im still debating with my self if it did take 120 years however.
on the design:
WOW what a beauty to look at and the score is well deserved and I personally would've given it 20/20 if might add that. The atmosphere was great and I loved all the new objects and how they where used, only thing I thought was a little a shame to this great design was the abscence of block brakes, so only 2trains where running and they followed very closely behind eachother...
other than that, wow I think we'll all know who wins the award for best rct2 design this year.
One thing that really struck me is how good this game is when you (not meaning specifically Kumba, you as in anyone) focus on something other than trying to whore the community's attention. It's clear that with this you had one purpose, and one purpose only - to recreate the ride as exactly as possible in RCT using all means at your disposal - hacking, custom objects, whatever.
And it's phenomenal.
You can see so many things that people wouldn't normally "Do" in an RCT park, like how sparse the themeing is around the ride and how thick the lift hill is. But it works because that's what the ride actually looks like, and we all know it.
Now, when will we see screens from this SoK?
Cats cant roar
Well you know i loved this and the vote shows it. Incredible score
I am gonna try to make a design which scores 100%