Starting off as a design, then turning into a park and back into a design again this is Booty Hunter. It was just an experiment for me with landscaping and terrain so dont expect anything too special. I'll just post the link for now and I'll include a screen when im a little less busy. I sent it in but it was refused which I can understand.
I looked at it, and loved it. The main ride (Booty Hunter, obviously) and how it intertwined with the hillside. The archy was wasn't bad, either. Although it looked like you shoulda either finished the park or taken out the rest
I really liked this, amazing colours and atmosphere in it. I would have liked to see this theme taken a bit further though, but I understand you were just playing with it. Lovely work, though.
Pretty good stuff there, Loopy. I liked the main woodie layout (except for the predrop helix-too slow and rather useless) and I love how it was sort of integrated into the landscaping and how it twisted around itself over the whole area. The themeing and architecture was nice although felt a little weak in some areas and could've used some touchups to create a more convincing feel. The landscaping was great and seemed to be a main focus. I really would've like to see a better release for this though.... either in the form of a park or just a polished Plunder Mountain area without the rest. The unfinished stuff was nice but detracted from the overall feel and I didn't really care for much of the invert (good job on the hacked drop though). Still, nice job and it's nice to see some work from you.
Thanks for all the feedback so far. I actually built the majority of this quite awhile back, it was only recently that I decided to touch it up a bit and finish it off. This project has drastically improved me at landscaping in my opinion and maybe sometime I will have the inspiration to finish it completely and re-release it as a completed park. I was having fun playing with the Codex a little in the Bablyon area so you may be seeing a better take at that theme in a later park.
Just finished looking at this. Looks really nice. I liked the layout a lot, and the archy was well done too. I didn't like that you didn't finish it, though.
Pretty cool stuff here...excellent design. I like how the pacing was consistently strong throughout all of Booty Hunter. Very cool themeing around the ride, I especially liked the use of the egyptian pieces. The castle at the end is kind of wonky (heh) but it somehow works. Landscaping was great as well and the buildings look great built into it. So not really many cons about the ride/park except the custom supports on the helix before the first drop. It just looked awkward and it glitched through the track. Looking forward to seeing've got an unique style.
Its LL by the way.
Any chance I could get someone to send it to me? I'd like to take a look at this.
Thank you for all the comments everyone.
Can't wait to see more from you.