Park / Harakiri's Islands of Adventure

Park_152 Harakiri's Islands of Adventure


  • Andrew%s's Photo
    Woo, took you long enough man, did any of those many many B&Ms you wanted from me help
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    I didn't think it was anything special. The theming was good, the archy was mediocre...and I don't like IOA to begin with. The human touch was no good without the cobra over water...and tempest was nuthing to brag about. Again, nice theming, sure sure. But mediocre park. Also, Bedrock was um....n00bish in my opinion. Not too fond of the suspended swinging thing. No.

    Nice park, but really deserving spotlight and such a high spot on the list?
  • bokti%s's Photo
    Right. I've got to emphasize something here. This is irsi's Spotlight choice, and it's irsi's List.. Not a collective choice, as some might think it is. Some of the Spotlights I've seen I've liked better than others, but I don't criticize irsi's choices like he's a fucking madman(in H2H2 trades, yes, in parks, no). Why? Because it is his choice. He is the god. You are the peons that are to shut up and look cute while you rapes every one of you. If I don't like the park, I don't approach irsi, who had no involvement in the park, and give him better Spotlight-picking tips because, well, it's his choice. Spotlights aren't the "best parks" in RCT, nor does NE showcase the "best parkmakers in the world," and shit like this shouldn't be taken so seriously. I'm certain irsi has his reasons for picking HIOA for the Spotlight park(excluding the proverbial dagger held to his back), and I'm sure people have their reasons for not liking it, and that is fine, but wondering why it's Spotlight because it didn't meet up to YOUR standards, and your expectations is pretty idiotic. And no, it's not my opinion. It's a fact. But if irsi has this high prestige in the RCT-critiquing biz, then he must be there for some reason, and his reasons for picking parks are as valid as your reasons for not thinking the park should've been picked, but it's really no one's place to decide than his. Granted, you are entitled to your opinion, but at the same time, irsi is entitled to his.

    Now then, addressing some things in the park--

    The JP ride has a glitch. It wasn't intentional. The 'surprise' turn wasn't supposed to happen.. The Beast Trainer is just a piece of shite.

    Yes, the two largest buildings are themed inside.. A little bonus I thought up for those very anal(and those so pathetic that they look underground to see if there's any detail inside buildings, like I do). Nothing really majorly inventive, but I thought that I would throw it in in an attempt to throw off the dull monotony of the park, as were my intentions of Bedrock, but you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself. So all of you, praisers and bashers alike, and even those indifferent, can rot in the dark recesses of my pimpled, hairy man ass.
  • Scarface%s's Photo

    Also, Bedrock was um....n00bish in my opinion.

  • spiderman%s's Photo
    Pretty good, not my favorite spotlight, but a pretty good. I didnt really the blue in human torch, I would have expected a red somewhere, though. And I didn't really like the turn after the barrel roll, but theres not a whole that could have been done about that. The rest of the ride was pretty good. My favorite section was definitely Marvel Island and Bedrock, and I wasn't too keen on Lost Continent, I just felt that the paths were a bit too linear there.

    However, I quite liked the space between buildings, in some cases, it got to be a bit too much, but in Marvel Island, it was executed perfectly. It really gave the park an "open air" atmosphere (or whatever...).

    So anyways, so far its a spotlight winner and a deserving one in my book.
  • Nic%s's Photo
    Damn good. Tempest r0x0r. Not the BEST spotlight, but still rather splendid. Yes.
  • Twisted%s's Photo
    Awesome park!
    I love Bedrock and the Lost Continent area.
    Wasn't too fond of the Jurrasic Park area but that's probably because I don't like the jugnle trees.
    Tempest is a swell coaster.
    Overall a great park altough some areas are better than others.

  • Vert%s's Photo

    A good park but not great.

    Iris said,"a very hit or miss park."

    In the Spotlight department, it missed.

    Short and to the point, ditto for me

    No offense, but when i downloaded, I thought this was one of Iris' prank spotlight before some extrodinary multi-map spotlight park came out.

    If not the park, Harakiri, that signature sure puts you in the spotlightB)

    Natelox, where'd ya go? Did the MC go underground?
  • natelox%s's Photo

    Natelox, where'd ya go?  Did the MC go underground?

    hahaha, i'm still making parks, i've been having alot of trouble getting a park i like, i have about 5 rct2 parks about 50% done, but i stopped cause they all look like crap. I entered NextElement and i'm working on a collabo park too..

    about this park, it wasn't my fav spotlight, i really think you captured the bedrock section well, it reminded me alot of the tv show.
  • JFK%s's Photo
    It sucks, squared and times two. Plus six, and divided by nothing.
    It sucks, because I will never see it, just like the barren landscapes of Nowhere, Earth, it sucks because it is another pleasure denied, another step in forming my selfdeprivation-inspired downward spiral.
    It sucks, Kiri, because you made it.

    But maybe I'm just bitter, and maybe, like Gardner, I lash out at everything. I don't create, I destroy, I don't appreaciate, I nitpick.
    For instance. What the fuck is the ending of that one movie, Dead Or Alive, all about?

    Japan, it's blown skyhigh and everyone is dead because of a red orb from the chest.
    This is true, true this is.
    Go create your landscapes, you little shit. I will always be there, pissing fire and blood.
    Maybe I have AIDs.

    But maybe I'm just bitter.
    Every hurt is like a wave against the cliff-face of my personality.
    You bastards form a tsunami of pain.
    This is true, as ZeNs would say, true this is, as noone would agree.
    It sucks, it sucks, just like all talent I will never have.

    Living in the basement, the chill raising the hairs on the back of my neck, the dispair tastes brilliant.
    Hi. My name is Git, and I am an melancholic.
    This is true.
    I hold onto it, it's the only feeling I have left, crying my crocodile tears.
    Give me something to destroy, people. You will witness The Incredible Git at work.
    Big, green, and fuelled by hate.
    Imagine his dick.
    Plus twelve, subtract two.

    The beats of my heart resonate with dischord, Something Is Wrong, Something Is Not Right. You hear the buzz of flies, weird shloshing sounds, pus clings to every wall, bile is pushed to the tip of my throat. It's blackened and charred, blasted by everything this world threw at me.
    It pumps cancer through my entire body, pushes it out of every orifice.
    This is my diseased mind, and you can smell it rotting in Scunthorpe.
    Everything inside is ill, little insidious microbes are attacking every little piece of me, and I Am Dying.
    In the Tibetten philosophy sense of the word.

    I'm a basher, Kiri, and you, you are the silent gimp in the corner. Fuck, maybe you create these vast wordscapes, huge paintings and parks, all the shit I despise, but regardless of my real opinions, I will wipe my ass on all of it.
    You little shit.

    But maybe I'm just bitter. Bitter because every last drop of imagination has been used and I am now dry.
    Maybe I'm just bitter, because Princess Blade was slow.

    I feel it inside me, though, big, and green, and full of hate, and it's leashed right now, but I occasionally let it out to play with the kiddies.
    It eats babies, just like a ZeNs I used to know.

    So here I am, crying crocodile tears while the sky rains acid.

    I will start a war with Andrew, steal his creativity.
    Yes. That will work well. I will appease everyone who placed stock in me.
    My red orb, it beats and pulsates with infinate ferocity, just fucking begging me to throw it at a one-armed, rocket-launcher man. It pulsates, rivalled only by Mantis's thirteen inch shlong.
    Just begging me to wipe out you, me, this whole fucking planet. Destroy everything I denied myself, destroy everything the world denied me.

    Anxious is my soulmate, you see, because we desperately want everyone to feel our pain. And me? I want to rub it in all your faces, smear your own shit all over you, fill your mouth with maggots.
    All of them.
    I'll get them one day, Kiri, and that's a promise.

    I can never be the God so many of you mistake me for, though I will always endure the pain of life's crucifixion. I was once a star which shone so brightly, you could see it in the morning, but I fell, I fell, and had nothing to grab onto, nothing to help me back up except for my own hate, and that supernova of hatred turned me into a blackhole, nothing but gravity, no light, only a marauding destroyer of worlds.
    Your worlds.
    Happy fucking Valentines Day, fucker. May all your livestock fall sick and die.

    But maybe I'm just bitter.

    Because I no longer have RCT1 installed.
  • bokti%s's Photo
    git, i think that you try too hard.

    You are the epitome of redundancy.

    But maybe I'm just bitter. Bitter because I can't think of twelve-hundred different ways to say one thing. Or maybe I'm bitter because you claim Anxious as your fucking new soulmate. Or maybe it's because you don't have RCT1 installed anymore.

    Whatever the case, I join in your masquerade of overused analogies of hopelessness. I open my soul to the benign indifference of the universe. But, the universe I live in is one of my own making. At the end of a slipknot, I hang in wait. Checking my nails without moving my head, because the eyes already burst from my sockets. Seven things dangle on that rope. And two of them are the eyeballs.

    And maybe I'm just bitter because I won't die. I just hang, looking with helpless boredom at the trapdoor that went from under me.. Not yet dead, I have memories. Memories of my arm hitting the lever. Or maybe it's because you can't spell worth a shit.. Fuck cultural differences, there can't be that many words spelled differently. Goddamn, Git. Git a fucking dictionary.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    man i really want to see this but my rct1 is broken :'(
  • bokti%s's Photo
    Right then. We need this to get to three pages, otherwise irsi will hold a gun to the forii's head again..

    So, if you would, give me ratings on the sections. I want to see where you thought the waulity of the park took a nosedive. Or, if not a nosedive, then merely where the quality went down a bit. Or you can give specific things that you didn't like about the park, or did. And I fucking mean specific.. None of this I've read before earlier in the topic. This is clearly just a redundant re-review for everyone, but whatever pleases Massah Izzy.

    Right. I will start, shedding some light on certain sections, and adding a little self-criticism.

    Port of Call- I thought that it was alright.. After looking at it, it looks a bit too colorful for me... Not just "colorful" but "brightly colorful." If the flowers were taken away, I'd like it more. The restaurant I thought was my best, next to the Valhalla Grill in Troy. Also, a little-known fact: The port of call theming was actually going to be Venician theming for Oceania.. Until I changed it to that Eutropia piece of shit. 3-10

    Merlinwood- My favorite section in the park. I love simplicity.. I was also aiming for a more "traditional" style, trying not to over-do the theming.. The castle was the high-point in my "dirtier" architectural style. And I thought that Satyr's Spin's end was lame. 4-10

    Lost Continent- Nowhere near to being what I wanted it to be.. I wanted to make it look like an over-grown ruin-ish type of place, and I doubt I succeeded. Tempest was great(thank you again, WME), and I thought that it was some of my better theming. The queue to Tempest was alright as well.. But I have a tendancy to go underground, and stay there for a good amount of time. I thought that the Sinbad queues/exits were pretty nifty, even if the fucking handymen didn't find their way up there. 2-10

    BedRock Coast- Not one of my favorites either, for these reasons: The jagged rocks. Which I hate. But, I saw them in my 'vision' of the section, so in they went. The Bedrock Blaster didn't go as well as I planned, because I somewhat gave up on the section during the process of making the coaster. The theming was supposed to be more "quarry-like" as well.
    The architecture is higher in tier than the rest of the park, though. I hated X-Sector when I downloaded2-10

    Jurassic Park- Here and in Lost Continent I wanted to go for beauty. But I failed with the horrendous amount of shrubbery in the section. Here's something I did to add to the ambience of the sections: There are two waterfalls I made that have some extra sound-effects. Turn off the music and you should hear them when you go near the falls. The music made it more subtle, and barely noticeable, but I decided to leave them. The Cascade cafe I enjoyed making, as well as the inside of the Jurassic Park building(inspired by IOAguy's recreation, but i despised the look of paths covering the holes in the buildings, so after 2 seconds of seat-inducing research I found a way to actually bury the theming).
    Jurassic Park: The Ride(which would have been named accordingly if it weren't for Tie's idiocy) isn't really anything special.. I just wanted to throw off the burden of being the Parkmaker that made the HUUUGGGGEEEEE lake, and had nowhere else in the park to go but to the center. And that's the result.. It was supposed to be MUCH larger, and much cooler, but 'certain people' wanted the park done, so I sized it down. 4-10

    Marvel SuperHero Island- Really, really hard section for me to visualize differently than the real one, so I simply went off of what I saw in photos, excluding the cardboard shit. The Human Torch I really was proud of. It started off as a non-inverting B&M and turned into a coaster reminiscent of The Incredible Hulk, which I can't complain with, seeing is how I didn't want to stray too far off of the section's centerpiece. The cinema was supposed to be an alternative for the Spider-Man ride.. I was fearful that Danimator would call my mother and threaten to sue me for putting something in my park that he was a part of, so evade copyright laws, I made this. And themed the inside as well, although it isn't as intricate as the JP building. The architecture is, I'll admit it, shotty. But in all honesty, I was just drawing blanks during some of this section's production, and I think it affected it a bit. It looks more Universal than the rest of the park, so I don't mind it being that bleak, if it makes up for it in overall atmopshere.

    Anyway, I'm done. If someone wants to add a few comments on the park, good or bad, go ahead and add them.. But if you did already post, try and get more specific and in-depth with what you say so it doesn't seem like we're filling the topic up for the sake of another Spotlight soon.. Which we are, but let's not make it seem obvious. Even if it's inevitable.

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Port of Call
    Nice and colourful, contrary to your opinion. I don't think i've seen a colour mix like it, so that immediately makes me like it. I'm a sucker for sunken flowerbeds and trees, so yay for the sunken bits. The restaurant is nice, but not as nice as the cascades one in the Jurassic Area. The big tower is nice. Better than Andrew's tower at the least. Also, I like the symmetry. I admire people who use symmetry without it being obvious. AND the building shapes are very unusual, in a usual kind of way. 10/10

    My favourite area too, until, that is, I saw the Jurassic area. But anyway. The purple is a great choice - wizardish and hattish. Lots of trees, but I don't care because it's supposed to be a bloody wood. Nice random walls in the trees (a la Dragonflight) and I thought that the queue line for the cinema was magnificent. Satyr Spin had a great layout and entrance/exit plan. Changed a lot since the screenshots. 9/10

    Lost Continent
    An excellent area with a fine coaster. My favourite part is the hidden windows, which actually goes for the rest of the park too. They're so nice to find, and the ones deep in the queue line are perfectly placed - it shows that you've realised you don't have to be able to see it in RCT for it not to be good (i can imagine waiting deep in a trench for that coaster with shrubs and windows to keep me occupied). Your stations and exit/entrance/queue/path layouts are your best asset. I suffocate...right. 8/10

    Jurassic Park
    Best area in the park. Changes in elevation, funky scenery tricks and hacks (all through park, actually), pink roofs made to look good, not overdoing the dinosaurs/foliage. Plus, that visitor centre is pretty nifty. Jurassic Park: The Ride is a great water coaster. No, really. Short, like they should be. Unique, like they want to be. Pretty, like they have to be. Yeah, you overdid the trees in places, but that's not a big big problem. 9/10

    Marvel Superhero Island
    Yeah, I told you it sucked, and I kind of stand by that. My main problem was the fact that I know nothing about superheroes and nothing about comics, so maybe I don't 'GET' it. Anyway, what's there is nice and nice is good. The XMen thingy is very very ingenuous, and I think the shrubs/quarter-tile scenery are well chosen. 8/10

    BedRock Coast
    Honestly? I was pretty befuddled by the area. I never really watched the Flintstones. Well, actually, i've only seen about 5 minutes of it. If that. Anyway, nice and different with cool orangeyness. Very nice music too - don't often hear toyland. Funky monorail, even if I say so myself. I wasn't too keen on the single rail suspended, mainly because those coaster types suck. Anyway, nice and pretty etc. 8/10

    Overall, like Oceania, this park will probably grow on me until I can't stop raving about it. However, I don't think i'll ever appreciate the wierd motif in the water. Enlighten me. Inspire me (you do that anyway, bastard).

    People - be cynical.
  • BigFoot%s's Photo
    Nice park. I liked it better than most parks. Not my fav spotlight, but still better 10 times better than anything I can make, so that's good enough for me.

    I'm a dumbass or did ya'll leave out an 'i' in Harakirii's name in the logo?
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    Your right bigfoot, there should be another 'i' at the end, according to how he spells his name.

    This is pretty much spam, but I was just agreeing with bigfoot. (i just lied, im trying to get this to the third page)
  • mantis%s's Photo
    He changed his name after the release of the park.

    Now, people, can you do what he asked and be more in-depth? It'll give you something worthwhile to do and interest the rest of us who want something good to read.

  • Tyler%s's Photo
    It was baddical.
  • bokti%s's Photo
    Eat my genital warts, Ty.
  • Tyler%s's Photo
    I'm only trying to get the topic to page three.
  • 80.00%(required: none)  Spotlight
    Percentage of vote: 80%
    Cocoa 85% no
    G Force 85% no
    Jaguar 85% no
    csw 80% no
    Liampie 80% no
    RWE 80% no
    saxman1089 80% no
    5dave 75% no
    Scoop 75% no
    Dr_Dude 70% no
    80.00% 0.00%
  • Description

    "No IOA park is complete without its Ports of Call entrance, and HIOA is no different. While the style of the entrance is much different, featuring very wide paths and great color schemes using beautiful tans and greens, along with one of Harakiri's trademark cafe's sitting to the side. To the right, Merlinwood, a medievel area that can also be found in Schuessler's IOAH (not HIOA). This one is much different, and features a family coaster in "Satyr's Spin" along with an excellent 3D attraction, to go with some of the best architecture in the park. There is new version of Marvel Super Hero Island, featuring a new (and improved) version of the Incredible Hulk in the "Human Torch", a launched floorless monster that sprawls out of Marvel Super Hero Island, and into the giant Jurassic Park area, which not only sits on the outskirts of the park, but extends all the way into the middle island which features a very fitting liquid coaster: "Jurassic Park: The Ride". There is the outstanding kids area in Bedrock, themed perfectly to the Flintstones, and featuring a great assortment of rides highlighted by this park's own version of the Swing Thing, "Bedrock Blaster". Finally, one of my favorite themed areas of all time, the new and improved Lost Continent area of the park, featuring "The Tempest", an absolutely perfect B&M; Flying Coaster built by Evil WME. My first NE Spotlight."

    - bokti, on his parkmaker page

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