Park / Harakiri's Islands of Adventure

Park_152 Harakiri's Islands of Adventure


  • iris%s's Photo
    Congratulations to Harakiri for winning his first ever spotlight, with this incredible adaptation of the Orlando theme park. Featuring some jaw-dropping coasters, and beautiful modifications of popular themed areas. So finally, after his two previous parks got Runner-Up honors here at NE (Lake Laramie and Oceania Theme Park), he finally breaks through with Harakiri's Islands of Adventure.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Wow. I'm really impressed. This park is 100x better than Oceania, with great theming, awesome coasters (Tempest rules) and a slight twist on an old favorite. Bravo, Kiri! A job very well done.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    im in the spotlight im in the spotlight im in the spotlight!!! :D

    i luv it.. yeap.. jurrasic parks "hidden" drop that looks perfect from one view.. Bedrock is my fav.. makes me soooooo happy :)

    congrats to harakiri for winning spot with such a nice park!
  • Prince%s's Photo
    I had a bad feeling this would happen because of the spotlight draught. I hate you harakiri, oh and great park loved tempest and the lost continent and bedrock was pretty.

    ~Prince Ashitaka~ 8@
  • The Drizzle%s's Photo
    Amazing theming and architecture...coasters weren't really my style but they were still good. Great park

  • Ozone%s's Photo
    It was a big improvement on Oceania. I liked all the shops and stalls everywhere. But, you should've let WME put his name after the ride he built for you, it would have been nice. But then your not nice. (Yeh, I saw it in the veryshortreadme) anyways, Congrats on spotlight.
  • Butterfinger%s's Photo
    I'm not quite sure what is so amazing about Tempest. Great layout, nice themeing, yet it doesent strike me as the absolute greatest of its type (incredibly overused name..... just thought I'd point that out). Maybe it just needs to grow on me. The park itself, is nothing new. Quite reminicient of IOAH and even UCSR (in a way..... the Jurrasic Park section reminded me of UCSR anyways). Same old kind of park layout. The themeing and architecture (to me) seemed very bare and lacking depth. The architecture was very underused as well. There was a nice big space between almost every building, and when there WAS a building, many times it lacked detail as well as a prefered size. All of the themeing seemed just a bit shallow...... to me. The entire park was really nothing different than Lake Laramie or Oceania. Not that I really expected anything different.

    Yet, the bright parts of this park are there. Bedrock, I simply love to death. I for one, as well as most other parkmakers would have never been able to create such a good looking flintstones section as this one. The Lost Continent was pretty nice to look at as well. The jurrasic park ride, although simple, was quite pleasing to watch. The speed of every single coaster in this park was absolutly perfect for a realistic style of park, and although I ususally prefer a faster kind of coaster, the speed of these served as a nice change.

    Personally I think #8 is a bit high for this park, but then again, I have never been to much of a fan of your style. Although I probably wont enjoy it as much as some might, I still congradulate you on winning the latest spotlight.
  • RRP%s's Photo
  • x-sector%s's Photo

    Simply amazing Harakiri.

    Ports Of Call - Great Its nice and refreshing and I like how it has a different look to it than the original Ports of entry.

    Merlinwood - awesome I love this area. The architecture is cool. I love how you put purple roofs in there aswell. Just pure Beauty. :)

    Lost Continent - Another area that is done so well Tempest is a great coaster and fits in very well with the area. The theming, architecture and layout of the area is pure skill

    Jurassic Park - It has Its ups and down'sa with me for some reasons as I look at it and love it the sometimes I look at it and I'm not sure about bits. the ride looks very nice to ride.

    Marvel superhero Island - Amazing area. very well done and I know everyone loves Tempest I think the Human Torch is the best coaster It has a perfect and smooth layout I think it perfectly in the area, God I just love it so much.

    Bedrock - :D Great area it is done perfectly and captures the flintstones so well.

    Amazing park very high on my list maybe even #1 its brilliant :)
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    Once again WOW...............

    Bedrock - One of my favourite areas of a park, probably second behind terras labs in auroras dreams.............Just fits the flinstones perfectly.....

    Marvel - x men xperience building was just amazing.......loved it
    Could have had a bit more theming around psyblade

    loved jurassic building that was very nice

    the other areas were ok i loved Tempest but not amazingly keen on the area around with the dark brown paths

    overall in my top 10
  • posix%s's Photo
    I'm so glad you submitted it. Seems like iris did a great job there...
    Anyway, there you go, you're a Spotlight Winner now.
    The park is (as I've already told you before) just amazing. The architecture is what I'd call uniqueness...
    Although it really isn't my style I still love it. Lost Continent was my most fav area with Tempest being the best coaster.... though I don't really understand what's so good about it but that's probably just because I don't know what makes a real good coaster. I missed a transfer station or custom supports... something like that.
    All those shops everywhere are a huge + to the park, I'm glad you aren't as lazy as most parkmakers use to be...
    The only thing I didn't like was the Jurassic Park ride in the middle which screamed "I want to get rid of this park" and was cramped with trees...
    Besides, it wasn't really a good watercoaster.
    To make this park perfect,
    - move the entrance to the real entrance of the park, then burry it.
    - move the people-map-entry-spot thing to the real entrance aswell and make them return into the black
    - put [Evil WME] behind "Tempest"
    - disable one 'Gentle Style' music from one of the two "Sinbad's Adventure" rides.

    "(for the last time) Iris has drowned".
    Does that mean this was your last park? :(
  • Foltzanator%s's Photo
    This was a very nice park. I thought it was nicely layed out and the themes were great. Very nice job.........
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    I am not as amazed by this park as many others before me seem to have been. I thought it was good, but only good. And again, I will have to see the runner-ups first of course, but I dont think it was worthy of a spotlight.
    Tempest is a nice coaster, but what is so stunning about it? I actualy find the flyer in TH much, much better then this and I thought that was the worst coaster in TH. Maybe I am just too fussy but I think the quality of spotlights are decreasing.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    *weeps with joy*

    You'll find out in the end.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    Everyone says this is Harakiri's best work to date, but I disagree. There are areas in both Oceania and Lake Laramie that I thought were better than anything in this park. However this is still a great park and a deserving spotlight winner. Bedrock is one of the most creatively executed areas I've seen for quite some time and would have to be my favourite in the park. Everything else is very nice, but nothing mind blowing. Harakiri you are a deserving spotlight winner (just thought you deserved it more for Oceania).
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    I wasn’t amazed by this either, I thought it was good but there wasn’t anything in their that really made me think wow. Its a good park, but maybe could have done a couple of big things to stand out, like a good big building, never the less well done.
  • Scarface%s's Photo

    , but maybe could have done a couple of big things to stand out, like a good big building,

    Did the x-men x perience building and jurassic park building at the back not stand out ? they has so much detail in them
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    They did have a lot of detail in them but they werent my favoruite buildings Ive seen.
  • rhcpraiders%s's Photo
    A good park but not great.

    Iris said,"a very hit or miss park."

    In the Spotlight department, it missed.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    It's a nice park, probably deserving of spotlight. (Though I'm pretty sure one will be better in some minds, if it was submitted.)

    But Oceania was better. The coasters were not improved (hard to do, sure) and the architecture was pretty good - but no better then Oceania. Oceania just had that "feel" to it.

    Jurassic Park: The Ride was pretty cool though.
  • 80.00%(required: none)  Spotlight
    Percentage of vote: 80%
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    csw 80% no
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    saxman1089 80% no
    5dave 75% no
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    Dr_Dude 70% no
    80.00% 0.00%
  • Description

    "No IOA park is complete without its Ports of Call entrance, and HIOA is no different. While the style of the entrance is much different, featuring very wide paths and great color schemes using beautiful tans and greens, along with one of Harakiri's trademark cafe's sitting to the side. To the right, Merlinwood, a medievel area that can also be found in Schuessler's IOAH (not HIOA). This one is much different, and features a family coaster in "Satyr's Spin" along with an excellent 3D attraction, to go with some of the best architecture in the park. There is new version of Marvel Super Hero Island, featuring a new (and improved) version of the Incredible Hulk in the "Human Torch", a launched floorless monster that sprawls out of Marvel Super Hero Island, and into the giant Jurassic Park area, which not only sits on the outskirts of the park, but extends all the way into the middle island which features a very fitting liquid coaster: "Jurassic Park: The Ride". There is the outstanding kids area in Bedrock, themed perfectly to the Flintstones, and featuring a great assortment of rides highlighted by this park's own version of the Swing Thing, "Bedrock Blaster". Finally, one of my favorite themed areas of all time, the new and improved Lost Continent area of the park, featuring "The Tempest", an absolutely perfect B&M; Flying Coaster built by Evil WME. My first NE Spotlight."

    - bokti, on his parkmaker page

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