Park / Der Koloss

Park_1500 Der Koloss


  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    um...image not working anymore..
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Downloading now. It's a design right? Why didn't you enter a prelim with it? Keine Lust auf die PT?
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    He came really close to NE design, but imo it was just a tad short. Tho I will admit that I thought that if say Phatage had turned this in it would win. A part of me could not tell if parts were skilled or just a guy getting lucky, maybe it was the language barrier.

    Make another design this good and It'll make NE design.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Damnit Kumba, make it design, please!
    Wicksteed is one of the most talented guys germany has to offer, and we have many. This woody was great and the surroundings one of the best and most creative i have seen in a long time. The acre was brilliant, the Hau den Lukas (sorry dunno the english word) was genius. Schießbude and Scheißbude - killing pun. Shame this didn't make it. Great work Wick - now finish your solo and show Kumba that the german Invasion continues! :mantis:
  • zodiac%s's Photo

    Tho I will admit that I thought that if say Phatage had turned this in it would win.

    I'm sensing some favoritism here.

    Downloading now. Will edit this post later.
  • hobbes%s's Photo

    Tho I will admit that I thought that if say Phatage had turned this in it would win.

    What the hell does that mean?
    Explain yourself.

    If you only take the experienced players, no one will get anywhere.

    How can a language barrier effect your viewing and enjoying a good design?
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    not design worthy if you ask me. almost there, but it's missing some zazz to really make it a design. and i think what Kumba is implying is that if phatage had attempted to make a design like this, it would have been design-worthy. not that if phatage made this exact design it would have gotten accepted.
  • eyeamthu1%s's Photo
    On that basis, surely it should win a Design Spot then? :)
    In my opinion, it wasn't quite worthy of a design though. Some things were really well done - the fields surrounding the ride for example, were spot on. The whole atmosphere was perfect. I thought it was realistic... but I agree with Kumba on the ride being too short. It was nice to look at for 2 minutes or so, but it didn't hold my attention that long, purely because the coaster layout and length weren't quite good enough. Good, but not good enough... keep it up though, this bodes really well.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well seeing as Cork never saw it I'll let him judge it to. He asked me to judge stuff on my own till he's done with school and that should be Friday night I think.

    DL removed so it still has a shot at NE design.
  • RCTFAN%s's Photo
    It was pretty good but the archy was a boring and as TE said there was no zazz.
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Tho I will admit that I thought that if say Phatage had turned this in it would win.

    that's bullshit.
    that was one of the stupidest things you could have said.
    and you said it. even worse than your spelling.
  • catalyst%s's Photo
    It's a long way from being design quality, and this topic is ridiculous:

  • vekoma9%s's Photo
    Um, I dunno. I don't think it deserves desgin. I mean, the archy was pretty good, with the trimming and the merry go round. but the station wasn't too good. It just didn't look good to my eyes. The coaster layout is ok, I mean it is short and half the ride seems like it is that long drop of yours. it's ok, but i mean it's a out and back, that seems ok, but didn't seem worked on enough. nonetheless it was alright, but not design quality.
  • matze%s's Photo
    great work...
  • tyandor%s's Photo

    that's bullshit.
    that was one of the stupidest things you could have said.
    and you said it. even worse than your spelling.

    Better that he said it and admitted it, then that every one is thinking it. This probably happened before even before Kumba came in charge. Cannonball comes to mind if you ask me. I don't think it's that unusual that the 'proven' builders get a VIP treatment.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I'm sorry Ty, but you cannot bring out Cannonball as an example of favoritism. It's one of the most beautiful designs ever. I challenge anyone else to make something with as much class.
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    Kumba, stop talking that much shit.
    Designs should be judged by quality and not the names behind them.

    Wicksteed, congrats to this Coaster. Though the track before the first drop was quite strange I liked it to a certain degree. I don't think it should be design, but it is a nice little thing you have been building there, with some great ideas, like the "Hau den Lukas".
    Looking forward to see some future projects from you.

  • posix%s's Photo
    Kumba, you're so unbelievable ...

    oh dear lord, i hope we'll see a time when once this site will not be doomed with stupid admins ...

    arguing about design yes or no, after Kumba's post, was completely redundant and useless.
  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    This was pretty good, not quite design-worthy IMO, though. The extended drop really took away from the entire ride for me.

    Tho I will admit that I thought that if say Phatage had turned this in it would win.

    Again, would you mind explaining this please? I would like to hear more before posting my thoughts and end up sounding like an idiot by jumping to conclusions.

  • posix%s's Photo
    trust me dude.
    it's as bad as it looks.

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