Park / Big Timber Creek Park
- 06-June 08
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- Comments 21
63.13%(required: none) Silver
Cocoa 70% Sulakke 70% ][ntamin22 70% 5dave 65% MCI 65% Liampie 60% Louis! 60% posix 60% geewhzz 55% FredD 40% 63.13% - No fans of this park
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posix Offline
Nokia Offline
the bulidings have a very nice old realstic disney feal. well it least towards me.
but one thing, why to inverts?
Carl Offline
Keep the comments comin!
gir Offline
Ge-Ride Offline
Edited by Ge-Ride, 06 June 2008 - 10:02 PM.
Milo Offline
One thing I would like to say is that for this Parkmaker Review thing, I think it would be better if the maker was asked to provide some more general info (like the dates in this one) about the park in their writeup. It wouldn't have to be forced in or in any kind of format but I think some general info like the type of coasters, areas, guest spots (if any) and other stuff like that would make it a bit more interesting to read. Not bad for a first attempt though.
And what's with the pinkish red backgrounds on the logo and overview? I'm not too fond of it...
posix Offline
where do you see any of that? no idea what you're talking about.
Tolsimir Offline
pls help me.
posix Offline
btw, the download is until carl comes back.
Tolsimir Offline
This link doesn't work. Thanks for the link
riven3d Offline
posix Offline
- the logo
- the download link
Fr3ak Offline
donwload-link is working fine.
and the page isn't in the runner-up list anymore.
JJ Offline
and OLE obviously has IE6 so that is why he sees pink
Edited by JJ, 07 June 2008 - 08:22 AM.
Liampie Offline
Beside that I'm not very positive, sorry:
The coasters were quite slow, the architecture is boring, the objects are horrible and there isn't a recognizeable theme. Also, the foliage didn't look finished on a lot of places.
Don't get me wrong: It isn't bad, just boring.
Still congrats on finishing this, this deserved Runner-Up!
Levis Offline
think it got unapproved ... someone has to approve it again
Edit: It works again
Bernts_matte Offline
It really gave me a good feeling
You used the "unsualy" obejcts in a way that made them look very good.
And a plus for haveing peeps, to me that give some good feeling to
JDP Offline
I was happy to see that you had the peeps pay for the rides rather the park entrance. But how ever, I didn't like how you named your coasters and gave them company names (like how you gave the Vekoma Inverted coaster interlocking corkscrews and no Vekoma inverted coaster has that). The layouts were interesting to say the least but over all they weren't realistic. But that's okay becasue that cancels out with everything else.
The park did reek of atmosphere and I loved the interaction with the rides and buildings. Great job man on a well deserved runner up!
X_Fusion Offline
***** Beautiful *****
Marshy Offline
First one I downloaded was his, and my god its beautiful. I LOVE parks with peep interaction, they come to life and the atmosphere is awesome. All the coasters were lots of fun to watch and themed wondefully. The architecture was really original and unique and made me realise how far the game has come since I used to play it.
Great work Carl (ride_exchanger?), deserving of the runner up spot.
I was planning on uninstalling after looking at a park but this park stopped me doing that, I've got loads of parks to view tonight