I don't necessarily think winning Spotlight is 'winning' the game. I think maybe topping The List or something is 'winning' the game, cause that means you've played the game as perfect as possible. Just my opinion.
i doubt that qualifies as winning the game..
or is it? rrp, mantis, and fatha' don't seem to be creating much nowadays....
but really, how does being the maker of one person's favorite park make you the winner of the game, and let alone achieve you the title of playing it perfectly. I mean, SWA isn't perfect, is it?
No, even List topping isn't really 'winning the game'. But I do think it's as close as you can come. As you have said, RRP, Fatha', mantis, Butterfinger, etc. don't seem to really be building anymore. X-Sector is one of the only ones I can think of that topped The List and kept building (he did it with Disney Extreme). Fatha' also topped it with Ancient Pastimes back in the day.
Eh....you might as well have lol.
You were like #2 for a while and many people think its better then SWA anyway. I don't really mean literally that topping the List is beating the game, but to be known as 'the best', which The List does usually tells the parkmaker 'you've beaten everyone else'...thus killing the challenge of making competitive parks.
anyway, as i said, winning should, in my opinion, not be the reason why you play. when pleasing yourself with what you build is your goal, i'm sure you'll get the most fun out of the game. well not only that but also a strong personal note to the park.
This is the only game in which i've "won", by beating all the scenarios, and then found that there is enough diversity in the gameplay to keep me playing. I now play for different reasons, such as making something that looks good. I like the artistic element. However, if there wasn't an online community, I have no doubt that i'd have stopped playing long ago.
I'm in the same boat as Jem. I see RCT strictly as an art-form in this day and age. And you can't "win" an art-form imo. True, there are RCT contests that determine a "winner", but the game itself can not be won in the artistic form that prevelant today. And posix is right on too. My goal in building parks is to amaze myself with new challeges, and maybe get some feedback along the way from the community. The community is what makes building parks fun, and the artistic challenge of game is what keeps me interested. Both go hand in hand, and I would not keep playing without either.
I honestly think this "artistic value" in a rollercoaster game is a little odd, I always did. But It just grew on me. Makes the game fun.
But, I've never followed any of these "rules" some people come up with on how to make a good park. I think its just weird...
And I think I know why all these previous parkmakers don't produce much. I mean they've made some of the greatest parks around. Where else is there to go? Is it possible to make something better? Maybe, maybe not. It's up to them if they want to try that or not.
IMO its about doing something different, rather than better. If its different, you cant say its better or worse, everyone has their own opinion about that.
Well you're talking about a period of years. A lot changes in that amount of time. I don't think people quit making parks because they can't make them any better than they already have, people just get more interested in other things. It takes a lot of time and work to finish a whole park. Even if it's still a lot of fun, people can't spend that amount of time making parks forever. Eventually they want to spend their time somewhere else.
And then, about 'winning NE', I don't really see how you can do that either. I guess if you think of NE as a game, then you can win NE with a spotlight or a 'parkmaker of the year' award or topping The List. But I don't think NE actually is a game. It's a community. Every user name is a person. And people have a way of disagreeing on things. There will never be a unanimous number 1 park. I think you're really just fooling yourself if you think you've achieved all you can achieve with parkmaking. Everyone can improve. Everyone can press themselves to try new things. Retirement doesn't mean you've accomplished all you can accomplish, it just means you no longer have time to keep making parks. Simple as that. And people have all sorts of reasons why. RCT is a part of life, more so for some than others, it isn't life itself.
^Frankly it's too big a part of my life. lol. I'm working on changing that right now by digging my way out of all the group projects I'm in and just having my solo and then I'll have more time for guitar/forming a band (yes that's happening to me right now, we're all starting out so we're all at rock bottem). In a couple months I have a total of like 2 projects. My solo and h2h. Maybe an extra LL-related group park but still not the 6 projects I have now.
I love this game and the community. I know I will eventully be forced to give it up however I hope that is the day that ne closes (God forbid) rather than the day I run out of time. I want to leave rct by circumstances not under my control, not because I can't find 1/2 hour everday to sit down and unwind.
No, even List topping isn't really 'winning the game'. But I do think it's as close as you can come. As you have said, RRP, Fatha', mantis, Butterfinger, etc. don't seem to really be building anymore. X-Sector is one of the only ones I can think of that topped The List and kept building (he did it with Disney Extreme). Fatha' also topped it with Ancient Pastimes back in the day.
great. Just fucking great.
If you hadn't turned the rct community into your own private fucking pop culture, we might have had some fucking diversity in here...
If you hadn't turned the rct community into your own private fucking pop culture, we might have had some fucking diversity in here...
Man...when you finally pull Mala's dick out of your mouth, you really say some mean, hurtful things Blitzy. I don't even know what the hell your post meant or what you're going on about...so I'm not sure how to address it. How have I turned the 'rct community into my own fucking private pop culture'? By listing my favorite parks? If you don't like the List, or anything else...don't fucking look at it. That goes for the entire site if you don't like it. Nobody's forcing you to be here....not that you're really 'here' in the first place. I find it funny that you blame me for some of the people leaving the site (if that's even what the hell your talking about). Since when did you become such a baby? The List is redudant. A parkmaker knows if he's made a groundbreaking, legendary park such as WOMB, SWA, TH, UIX, etc. Me putting whatever park #1 on the List is not really a shock to those who deserve it. Whether or not I put the park on the list, they know they have expanded the game to new limits, so therefore, whether I add that little 12-line piece of text to that little webpage, they still would feel the same sense of victory, or accomplishment. So get over yourself Blitz...if you really want some 'fucking diversity' around here, why dont you try contributing for once in your life instead of complaining what others do? Or how bout, adapting your own style instead of carbon copying your idols? There's some diversity for you. And for the record...from what I hear, you're not doing too much on the IIICons as is, so kicking you off would just be once again, redundant. Have a nice day Blitz.
everyone goes on about winning the game and winning NE, I don't think it is about that a lot of people play RCT in certain ways to win respect from everyone at the site. Thats why people look at what the hot parks are and whos making them and in a way, like you say go out and copy there style.
People never respect people for who they are and the things they do. everyones so jugdemental.
So what if Ozone copys people and builds parks in a certain way why should we care and so what if posix gay, we live in a world where we know people are gay and most of us except that unless your imature and think they might hit on you so you get all scared.
honestly, i too have always had my problems with the list. on the one hand, i think it is a very cool feature and also a good resource and nice collection of the best rct & rct2 parks in the world. on the other hand, i don't understand why people must always have a hero, a #1, a winner. in my opinion, the reason is that people seek nothing but admiration. no one is strong enough to live completely without it. it's just normal in our civilised countries. maybe stoic monks can do it, but that just isn't us...
so i guess what blitz meant was that the whole concept of ne has, over the last years, been pushed too much into the direction of a competition. win h2h, win protours, win design, win spotlight, become parkmaker, become #1 on the list, etc. so the reason why most people play is exactly that. winning. if ne wasn't there there would be nothing to win and that would make them abadon rct out of their life, as they say. that's also what i meant with "anti-originality-meachanism" and i find it really depressing in a way.
i assume that at least 80% of all people at this site don't give a shit for a personal style, a high originality factor in their parks or good and innovative concepts. what matters is the look of a park and nothing else. do the names of my park have a meaning? do my buildings have a purpose? does my landscaping? my theming? i hardly believe many have asked themselves such questions. why else do they post screens? to hear kind words that make them feel good. i believe that if everyone was just completely honest to themselves for once, they'd notice that the sole reason why they play rct is to be praised for what beautiful things they can do.
however, there are those 20% of people left. those who really get good fun out of the game because they are strong enough to not care for "ne's pop-culture" (i mean no offence at all, iris) just now, areo pops into my mind. he seems to love theme parks and really enjoys recreating them in rct. another one is phatage. mala too, plays rct for no other reason than himself. ne for them, seems merely like a nice yet less important addition. i have always strived to become like them but i doubt i'll manage.
You know, everyone likes to hear good comments about their parks. Maybe thats the only reason they post screens. Maybe they do it because they want advice on how to make their parks look better. I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't care. I like to hear good comments about my stuff. It makes me happy that someone else likes my work. I wouldn't be terribly depressed if no one likes my stuff, but its still nice to know that some people do. What I'm trying to say is that for a lot of people, hearing compliments about their parks the only reason why they keep building. Others build to have fun, but if everyone did that and didn't care about what other people thought, there wouldn't be any reason to post any screens, or release anything because they wouldn't care about the comments given. trying to win is a natural human reflex. Everyone wants to be the best at something and it's really hard to just forget about that and play the game. And thats why they come here, to "compete" to be the best.
[font="tahoma"]honestly, i too have always had my problems with the list. on the one hand, i think it is a very cool feature and also a good resource and nice collection of the best rct & rct2 parks in the world. on the other hand, i don't understand why people must always have a hero, a #1, a winner. in my opinion, the reason is that people seek nothing but admiration. no one is strong enough to live completely without it. it's just normal in our civilised countries. maybe stoic monks can do it, but that just isn't us...
so i guess what blitz meant was that the whole concept of ne has, over the last years, been pushed too much into the direction of a competition. win h2h, win protours, win design, win spotlight, become parkmaker, become #1 on the list, etc. so the reason why most people play is exactly that. winning. if ne wasn't there there would be nothing to win and that would make them abadon rct out of their life, as they say. that's also what i meant with "anti-originality-meachanism" and i find it really depressing in a way.
i assume that at least 80% of all people at this site don't give a shit for a personal style, a high originality factor in their parks or good and innovative concepts. what matters is the look of a park and nothing else. do the names of my park have a meaning? do my buildings have a purpose? does my landscaping? my theming? i hardly believe many have asked themselves such questions. why else do they post screens? to hear kind words that make them feel good. i believe that if everyone was just completely honest to themselves for once, they'd notice that the sole reason why they play rct is to be praised for what beautiful things they can do.
however, there are those 20% of people left. those who really get good fun out of the game because they are strong enough to not care for "ne's pop-culture" (i mean no offence at all, iris) just now, areo pops into my mind. he seems to love theme parks and really enjoys recreating them in rct. another one is phatage. mala too, plays rct for no other reason than himself. ne for them, seems merely like a nice yet less important addition. i have always strived to become like them but i doubt i'll manage. [/font]
thank you. Now that I'm not flipped, maybe i can express my views a little more clearly.
First off, there IS a difference between playing the game and getting comments and playing the game to GET comments. I'm personally tired of the pop culture of NE(no offense meant this time, just drawing a parallel). Competitive is nice, but it isn't the right kind of competition. The reason there is such a homogeneous style and culture here is because the particular stylings of choice are so much more celebrated than any other forms, that it discourages other forms from being taken seriously. I mean, look at what chauncy posted awhile ago... you all laughed at it.
or is it? rrp, mantis, and fatha' don't seem to be creating much nowadays....
but really, how does being the maker of one person's favorite park make you the winner of the game, and let alone achieve you the title of playing it perfectly. I mean, SWA isn't perfect, is it?
Bah. whatever.
You were like #2 for a while and many people think its better then SWA anyway. I don't really mean literally that topping the List is beating the game, but to be known as 'the best', which The List does usually tells the parkmaker 'you've beaten everyone else'...thus killing the challenge of making competitive parks.
There are awards, but there is no "winning the game" in rct.
anyway, as i said, winning should, in my opinion, not be the reason why you play. when pleasing yourself with what you build is your goal, i'm sure you'll get the most fun out of the game.
well not only that but also a strong personal note to the park.
Kevin Offline
But, I've never followed any of these "rules" some people come up with on how to make a good park. I think its just weird...
And I think I know why all these previous parkmakers don't produce much. I mean they've made some of the greatest parks around. Where else is there to go? Is it possible to make something better? Maybe, maybe not. It's up to them if they want to try that or not.
Richie Offline
And then, about 'winning NE', I don't really see how you can do that either. I guess if you think of NE as a game, then you can win NE with a spotlight or a 'parkmaker of the year' award or topping The List. But I don't think NE actually is a game. It's a community. Every user name is a person. And people have a way of disagreeing on things. There will never be a unanimous number 1 park. I think you're really just fooling yourself if you think you've achieved all you can achieve with parkmaking. Everyone can improve. Everyone can press themselves to try new things. Retirement doesn't mean you've accomplished all you can accomplish, it just means you no longer have time to keep making parks. Simple as that. And people have all sorts of reasons why. RCT is a part of life, more so for some than others, it isn't life itself.
I love this game and the community. I know I will eventully be forced to give it up however I hope that is the day that ne closes (God forbid) rather than the day I run out of time. I want to leave rct by circumstances not under my control, not because I can't find 1/2 hour everday to sit down and unwind.
If you hadn't turned the rct community into your own private fucking pop culture, we might have had some fucking diversity in here...
everyone goes on about winning the game and winning NE, I don't think it is about that a lot of people play RCT in certain ways to win respect from everyone at the site. Thats why people look at what the hot parks are and whos making them and in a way, like you say go out and copy there style.
People never respect people for who they are and the things they do. everyones so jugdemental.
So what if Ozone copys people and builds parks in a certain way why should we care and so what if posix gay, we live in a world where we know people are gay and most of us except that unless your imature and think they might hit on you so you get all scared.
If anything, I'm just kinda flipped by the admin wars thing, that's all. Don't take it so personally.
on the one hand, i think it is a very cool feature and also a good resource and nice collection of the best rct & rct2 parks in the world.
on the other hand, i don't understand why people must always have a hero, a #1, a winner.
in my opinion, the reason is that people seek nothing but admiration. no one is strong enough to live completely without it. it's just normal in our civilised countries. maybe stoic monks can do it, but that just isn't us...
so i guess what blitz meant was that the whole concept of ne has, over the last years, been pushed too much into the direction of a competition. win h2h, win protours, win design, win spotlight, become parkmaker, become #1 on the list, etc.
so the reason why most people play is exactly that. winning. if ne wasn't there there would be nothing to win and that would make them abadon rct out of their life, as they say. that's also what i meant with "anti-originality-meachanism" and i find it really depressing in a way.
i assume that at least 80% of all people at this site don't give a shit for a personal style, a high originality factor in their parks or good and innovative concepts. what matters is the look of a park and nothing else. do the names of my park have a meaning? do my buildings have a purpose? does my landscaping? my theming?
i hardly believe many have asked themselves such questions. why else do they post screens? to hear kind words that make them feel good.
i believe that if everyone was just completely honest to themselves for once, they'd notice that the sole reason why they play rct is to be praised for what beautiful things they can do.
however, there are those 20% of people left. those who really get good fun out of the game because they are strong enough to not care for "ne's pop-culture" (i mean no offence at all, iris)
just now, areo pops into my mind. he seems to love theme parks and really enjoys recreating them in rct. another one is phatage. mala too, plays rct for no other reason than himself. ne for them, seems merely like a nice yet less important addition. i have always strived to become like them but i doubt i'll manage.
First off, there IS a difference between playing the game and getting comments and playing the game to GET comments. I'm personally tired of the pop culture of NE(no offense meant this time, just drawing a parallel). Competitive is nice, but it isn't the right kind of competition. The reason there is such a homogeneous style and culture here is because the particular stylings of choice are so much more celebrated than any other forms, that it discourages other forms from being taken seriously. I mean, look at what chauncy posted awhile ago... you all laughed at it.
I think that speaks for itself.