Park / Legacies Themepark - Europe
19-August 10
Legacies Themepark
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83.46%(required: 80%)
Six Frags 95% yes turbin3 95% yes K0NG 90% yes Kumba 90% yes posix 90% yes 5dave 85% yes Casimir 85% yes inVersed 85% yes RCTNW 85% yes Roomie 85% yes geewhzz 80% yes nin 75% no chapelz 70% no SSSammy 70% no Evil WME 50% no 83.46% 73.33% -
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amazing work liam.
good job!
I wanted to post more detail but wondered if you could tell me which area is for what city? I couldn't find any signs in the park or the readme and haven't followed any topics you've had in the ad district.
Think there may be a Siena area in there?
This is fantastic Liam, you kind of know my thoughts all ready, but I'll post a more detailed response here soon.
The strange thing is. when i first opened the park i wasn't that impressed, but as i spent more time roaming and looking at the details i became more and more amazed. The custom cable cars over the woodie were amazing and the little water jump ride was a lovely touch.
Coasterwise the ending to the flier was nice and the butterfly loop on the B&M is nicely placed and an underused element however i found the invert lacking in layout towards the end.
Atmosphere wise I can't fault the park. Each city is captured wonderfully.
A truely excellent release and a well deserved spotlight
what we see today are the fruits of not having too many contests. some of you might remember the old days of ne where spotlights weren't that rare as they are today. however, with europa park and legacies, and with other contenders that i'm sure many of you know of, i hope the spotlight is something we'll be able to enjoy more frequently again in the future. i really think it's the one feature that drives this community. that isn't to say we'll never have a contest again, but you just want them to be not too exhaustive and time taking or else they dominate and consume away the community.
to conclude:
- i look for sweet ass rides in parks. even if it is just one amazing arrow looper. i think this is crutial to understand. one good ride in my opinion could have carried this better.
- better balance. keeping the place full of fun and information while maintainign the "room to breathe" for want of a better term.
the more i look through the park, the more i enjoy it. i do stand by my score, however. i just couldn't justify scoring it any higher without loving any of the rides. massive congratulations, buddy. i respect the panels decision, as always. the majority of these people are greater builders than i.
Thanks for the replies so far, it's great to read! I'll reply more in-depth later. I'd like to thank posix/geewhzz/release people as well for their patience
edit: Speaking of words that end with -icky, can this topic please be sticky?
tdub96 Offline
Oh, and great work by the release prep. I saw that the topic in the AD was finished, and it only took 6 days for you guys to get this on the front page.
Congrats !!!!
SSSammy had a point about the flyer as that did seem out of place. As much as it was nice, it was one of those head scartches for me.
Agian, this park was well done, and agian, congratulations!
@Louis!: As I said before on msn, I'm glad I 'convinced' you.
@Roomie: Favourite release of the year? With parks like EPWS, Virginia Key and Sonoma Falls that's quite a compliment. Thanks!
@posix: I don't think the spotlight frequency has got much to do with contests... In the old days there were contests too, perhaps even more contests. I think it has got everything to do with details instead! Parks are getting so detailed, most parks/parkmakers are doomed from the start; finishing something just takes more time and dedication than it used do. I don't think it's a coincidence that the past few spotlights and golds are often relatively clean, compared to the recent work by for example nin and robbie92. I can't wait for the next contest btw.
Thanks again, your words are most meaningful to me.
@SSSammy: I don't think the Flyer is that bad
About the space issue: I agree! I wanted to keep green buffers between each ara, and although it worked in some places especially around Knossos, Antwerpen and Lübeck were just too compact... Besides coasters, planning is something I'll definately work on for my next park. Actually I have already tried drawing some park layouts for Legacies Themepark 2! This time I'll take a bigger map so space won't be really an issue though.
@tdub96: Haha, actually I submitted it two weeks ago. I just waited with the final update too fool some of you. For the full effect I should've waited until yesterday though. And the teletubbies distracted.
@All: Thanks!
Wicksteed Offline
and congratulations!