Park / Aero's Wormwood
10-May 03
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Great work, Aero. Awesome effort put into this thing. You've kinda renewed my interest in RCT2.
Good spotlight
I love this thing. Its so perfect in everyway, and its beautifully designed to Aero's style. Great archy, terrific theming...this park has it all. Congrats to Aero on this one, its a doozy.
Psstt...what happened to Outrage's runnerups? I was a little confused when I came on here and there was another spotlight, but no runnerups from before. ?
if so i forgot to say the windmill was nice !!
I did not like this park either. The one single thing it lacked was........... ummm, everything. In my eyes at least. I was actually rather expectant of this park. I had never really liked your parks at all before DMA (Which I loved), and I thought maybe I was becomming accustomed to your style. I guess not. One of the few good things I can say about this park is how it doesent remotely resemble any RCT1 park (which was stated by someone earlier). This is indeed taking the new game to unexplored levels, however it turns out I just wasnt quite ready for this level.
When looking at this park, the amount of depth that I feel was put into it was minimal. Everything is so random. I know that is a common tradmark of your style, but I just cant stand it. On the other hand, my work is just as random (Probably tons more random), so I am really not in the right position to bitch on it. But really, I just felt no flow to this park. Nothing felt right, or really looked good for that matter. I found the architecture just sorta....... weak if you know what I mean. There was no "solidness" to it. No firm foundation to stand on can be found in this park (Just one of my strange little play-on-words, incase you guys are looking at me wierd). The coasters........ the coasters in many cases just lacked any sort of quality, and some were unbearably slow (*cough Jaguar cough*). To focus on some of the sections in particular, what exactly was with the Irish archy? I dont know, it just didnt look remotely like what I imagine it as. Same thing for the Venice and Oriental sections (although not to the greatest extent, the oriental architecture looked somewhat asian, but still not what I had in mind). One last complaint- the name........ ummm, well lets just say I wasnt to fond of the name. I dont like this name for a park for most of the same reasons that I dont like the name "Harakiriis Islands of Adventure". Just sort of cheesy and unrealistic.
So, um, yeah, congrats on spotlight anyway! The one solitary thing I did like about this park however is that fort. I found the wall around it to be designed quite well, and the archy and scenary inside wasnt too bad either. Sorry I couldnt see anything special about the rest of the park though. My pickiness in parks has reached one of its all-time highs, so that could be a bennificial factor for my attitude towards Wormwood.
You have to be joking... Jaguar is extremely fast through the inversions..
there were, however, plenty of good rides that made up for that.
God Bless RCT2! Satan, you can have Wacky Worlds back!
Whoah, am I looking at the same coaster you are? The invert, Jaguar? I'm not just mixed up in my coaster names am I, becasue Jaguar was unbearably slow through the Immelman, Vertical Loop, and Cobra Roll (Thats all I really watched of it....... I sorta grow a bit impatient when looking at coasters). But seriously, the train was going 10-15 mph at the top of each of those inversions, at first I thought it wouldnt make it all the way through. Not that it really matters though, really. I am probably looking at the wrong coaster anyway.
on another note, the coasters and most areas were awesome, and there were a lot of nice details.. such as the magic carpet indoor and all.