Park / Aero's Wormwood
10-May 03
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The park? Hmmmm...
Howabout, awesome?
Brilliant colors, tree selection, rides, supports and most importantly, theming.
Great job Aero, bout time you get a new park as spotlight
P.S. I swear to Buddah, if I can't find some of the runner-ups, I will hunt you down iris
EDIT: Freak, c'mon, you don't really mean that about the logo, do you? That was like a foreshadow of how bad the park was.
Defintely underrated and the people who said you are bad and overrated should hurt themselves...
Loved it..
Dutch area was brilliant and seemed so crisp and clean..well done on that.
But China Town was absoltely stunning. I must admit from the screens china town looked awful but when looking closely it was amazing. The reds and greens captured the atmosphere perfectly
well done...
The entrance was also clean and crisp and had a hint of alton towers in their with the colours and the buildings... very nice
Four leaf clover was a good ride and very compact but that lifthill and first drop was strange..
All the other rides were good but the supports on Altimus maximus were also strange. But i know that you were trying something different and trying to get them to look like real life ride supports (cant remember the ride you said).
I was a little disappointed that there was some spare land with no trees etc... That could have been filled to give the park a more complete look but still it is overall a great park..
I know the links r hidden in the site somewere and you have to find them...
Wereabouts do u look ? im new to looking for hidden parks..I used to just get people to send me them lol
My favourite area was the oriental area (one of the first done in the park). The colours and mood of that area are wonderful. Also, you are the king of custom supports in RCT2. You just make them look great imo. Great job and I really look forward to seeing how that next project of yours turns out!
Iris, I hope you're right about Aero rising out of the shadows with this park. It is a well deserved spotlight.
Great park.
Can't wait to see what you do next,
PS- Damn you Iris for putting that blurb about the Kings on the Spotlight page!
The building for the steel wild mouse kind of bored me though =\
...and some of the areas seemed unattended to...
but overall, killer park, and very deserving ^_^
Other then the excess of B&M coasters, the park is very good.
Corkscrewed Offline
This is solid Aero for you. The coasters are great, and the theming is very unique... with a sort of pleasant feel to them. In all honesty, I don't find this park amazing/overwhelming, but that's just my view of Aero's style. It's very good and solid and strong, but it doesn't usually have a
Congrats, Aero! Now go look after your daughter!