Park / Panthera Tigris


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Lowenaldo%s's Photo
    Love the architecture! A very solid design, congrats!
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Such a great ride, I also like the part of the yellow beemer, should have named it panthera onca instead of tigris though.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Sounds familiar :p

    It looks fantastic <3
  • SGT BLOOPER%s's Photo
    Atmosphere is amazing, but the coaster itself doesn't really hold my interest for more than one or two circuits. The layout is great, but there's nothing special or amazing about it. Just another hacked, realistic style coaster. :|

    Regardless, it looks great overall. Gratz on the accolade win!
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I think this was a good design and I've been seeing a lot of this ever since it started, helped with a few hacks here and there when Turbin3's windows screwed him over again^^.

    The only thing missing for me in this was a really defined theme cuz I think it stays unclear what the real theme is..., also a little more path texture variation wouldn't have hurt this design.
  • verti%s's Photo
    I really liked this ride. The coaster itself wasn't anything particularly amazing, but it was nicely paced and seems like it'd make a fun ride to be on. The atmosphere and flatrides, though, really make this one worth a second look. For no particular reason, I especially enjoyed the queue line area.

    Congrats on the design, keep it up. :)
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    this really felt dull and unorigional to me. i didn't really like the layout, either, louis.
    congrats anyway.
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    the name sounds really familiar, like that one invert that giel or ivo made(can't remember which one lol)it used to be up at avenged but pretty sure all the parks have been lost :/ . layout was the only think i particularly liked about this but congrats anyways :)
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    the name sounds really familiar, like that one invert that giel or ivo made(can't remember which one lol)it used to be up at avenged but pretty sure all the parks have been lost :/ .

    Lol, I have them, go to this thread and you can download them all. http://www.nedesigns...pic=21166&st=30
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo

    Sounds familiar :p

    It looks fantastic <3

  • postit%s's Photo
    I'm with Sammy. I did not like the layout. Everything else was executed well and neatly and impressively up to today's standards. Worthy of design but I think that this is one where it is carried by the surrounding architecture and environment, rather than the coaster. Still, I liked a lot of what you did with the foliage.
  • J K%s's Photo
    You've fallen into a nice style with your parkmaking. I like what you do but I want you to take a few more risks. Good call getting Louis in for that coaster, I'm not a huge fan but the dudes great with steel or wood. Foliage looks nice and some of your architectural forms are impressive. Didn't really feel an Indian vibe so work on the clarity of your themes.

    Congrats on the second design.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Reminds me of my SunBURST in Pacific whatever... the RCTM Group Park.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo

    Reminds me of my SunBURST in Pacific whatever... the RCTM Group Park.

    ummmmm - That would be Pacific Island. How quickly you forget!
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Sorry with the name thing.

    Thanks to Louis & verti for the great writeup and the awesome logo. Also another thanks to Louis for the great layout and to BelgianGuy for some hacks. :)
    And finally to all voters :D

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