Cool stuff to look at more later. However, first impressions:
Alaska had good architecture. Snow themes can be cool. Pun pathetically intended. Great micro though. Canyon Racer didn't look like a canyon and was kind of boring, sorry. Not bad though. I liked the red ground color in Dust Devil. Map as a whole Captured the theme pretty well I thought. Actually, Cocoa, your park was my favorite. Loved the buried flat under the rocks and the architecture was great. Also, IMO, best composure out of all these. SSSSSSSSSSammy's park didn't work for me. File couldn't open.
Thanks, and MERRY CHRIST... err... HAPPY HANN, ummm... HOLIDAYS!
Edited by FantastiCo, 18 December 2009 - 07:40 PM.
Happy Hannuka all! (Though the last day of Hannuka was yesterday, but who cares)
I havn't downloaded the the special yet, I will try to later on.
I've tryed to post some pictures lately, but for som reason I cant paste them. How should I solve this?
^you can't paste pictures in. you have to upload them to or Once you have done that, take the direct link to the picture and paste that in between the image tags (button with tree and house). This will post a picture.
Sammy. I thought the use of castle gates were good. I thought there was a little too much path where the captain was. Sammy I really really liked it!
Louis. It was nice but all that path was a little too random.
Cocoa. I liked it! I think there maybe was a little too many colours used on the overall micro. The coaster layout was nice too the supporting wasn't great though.
Maverix. Alaska was alright but the ferris wheel seemed crammed in there. I didn't like the bobsleigh too much either. Snowfall was good though! Dustdevil had a nice layout. The arch wasn't bad but I didn't like the building with the purple roof.
Featuring the likes of:
& Cocoa!
From Alaska to Israel, and many more, here it is!
EDIT: I would greatly appreciate replies.
downloads: 504
p.s. read my post as if it is an infomercial.
Edited by Cocoa, 18 December 2009 - 04:51 PM.
That said, I read your post. Will download later.
Cool stuff to look at more later. However, first impressions:
Alaska had good architecture. Snow themes can be cool. Pun pathetically intended. Great micro though.
Canyon Racer didn't look like a canyon and was kind of boring, sorry. Not bad though.
I liked the red ground color in Dust Devil. Map as a whole Captured the theme pretty well I thought.
Actually, Cocoa, your park was my favorite. Loved the buried flat under the rocks and the architecture was great. Also, IMO, best composure out of all these.
SSSSSSSSSSammy's park didn't work for me. File couldn't open.
Thanks, and MERRY CHRIST... err... HAPPY HANN, ummm... HOLIDAYS!
Edited by FantastiCo, 18 December 2009 - 07:40 PM.
thanks, though!
Good stuff though, thanks again.
I havn't downloaded the the special yet, I will try to later on.
I've tryed to post some pictures lately, but for som reason I cant paste them. How should I solve this?
EDIT: That file is in RCT1! What a shame for those who don't have it working.
(Me for instance.)
Edited by Howl, 21 December 2009 - 12:07 AM.
Airtime Offline
Louis. It was nice but all that path was a little too random.
Cocoa. I liked it! I think there maybe was a little too many colours used on the overall micro. The coaster layout was nice too the supporting wasn't great though.
Maverix. Alaska was alright but the ferris wheel seemed crammed in there. I didn't like the bobsleigh too much either. Snowfall was good though! Dustdevil had a nice layout. The arch wasn't bad but I didn't like the building with the purple roof.
Edited by Airtime, 23 December 2009 - 12:23 PM.