Park / Bandito


  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    I'm kinda with posix on this..
    It had good spots but overall there was too much unfinishedness in there and blank map space which made it look rushed and unfinished only to get some points for an accolade..

    I appreciate the effort guys, but try to finish it appropriately next time.. Then we as a viewer could have more fun and you guys too because you could be proud what you finished!

  • zburns999%s's Photo
    The point of a "less-than-twenty-four-hour-design" is completely lost on me.

    That being said, I thought this was pretty nice. I didn't care much for the layout, but overall it all came together to look good.
  • jusmith%s's Photo
    Thank you for the comments. I won't address them individually but I'll respond to general comments.

    First of all, I just sent this in as a whim not expecting to win at all. My main goal with this project was just to finish a small map in rct2 as I hadn't done that before. I am greatful that many liked it however, but I'm not surprised that some people didn't.

    I agree with people that there isn't anything magical/special in this design, but on my behalf I do think that it is solid and there is nothing technically "bad" on the map.

    That said this is not my best work but that wasn't really the aim of this design. I kind of just wanted to finish something and I did... hopefully my newer RCT2 project will showcase a bit more of my skill.

    Thanks to robbie92 who made this layout for LLAP, I kind of sprung the finished project on him so thanks for being cool.

    Also thanks to Louis for the great write up and the really amazing logo, and to Kumba and geewhzz for putting the release screens/aerial together!
  • John%s's Photo
    Some of the colors seemed a little off, but it certainly had a pleasant atmosphere.

    I'm curious how you arrived at the 90/10 split? Maybe it's just me, but doesn't creating the layout (or majority of it, whatever the case may be) of the design's centerpiece count for a little more than 10 percent?
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Well so this is just extracted and modified from Lakeland? Is that project still alive? I was lookin forward to it.

    Anyway, great design, I just about liked everything in this: 18/20
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    I liked this. The layout looked fun, and was a bit different from the usual thing, which in my eyes always is nice. I liked the surroundings too, it gave the layout a nice atmosphere, and conveyed the theme nicely. I'd give it 14/20, so I think it deserved it's score, it could have been just a tad higher though. Good job jusmith and robbie