Park / The Abstraction

Park_1460 The Abstraction


  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Please don't blame me on this park, it is old and if you don't like jagged rocks and nauseating repetative colors, then this isn't for you. I built this park just for fun and really do not like it, I just found this on my computer and dug it up, I probably havn't touched this for a year.

    Attached File (2.56MB)
    downloads: 297

    Edit: It requires TT

    Edited by jaguarkid140, 06 December 2009 - 08:55 AM.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    i really wish you would post some screenshots when you release things, so we could see what we're actually downloading.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    There is no real point to this park, well I'll still post some screens

    Part of Abstraction City and a what a bridge will look like when placed over sulfuric acid. The arc. is 2x2 crap mostly.
    Posted Image

    The seeming intense premier launch coaster, "The Abstraction". The supports are horrible, but I did build it over a mile long which is prett long for a launched coaster.
    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    A mini helicoptors called "no use for a name" and that is exactly what it is... No use for a name.
    Posted Image
  • posix%s's Photo
    heh, wow, that's certainly something different. not sure i like it, though.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    right, youve uploaded a park, and youre saying its pointless.
    why upload it then?
    if you arent proud of it whats the point?
    you spend all this time uploading it and making captions just to slag it down and if anything demote your reputation? why?
    ive not downloaded it, and i dont think i will after youve told me how bad it is.
    every park has a point.
    if not, youre doing it wrong.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    SSSammy, before you start ranting again. I said that there is no point, because there really is no point (like your post), and I do not like it too much because just the way it is, and that doesn't mean someone else won't like it. Just because I built it for no real reason, doesn't mean there is no point in downloading. I meant that I really didn't build this for anything, just to kill some time and for fun. About me making captions to slag it down, how about you stop making annoying captions to slag me down.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i wasnt slagging you down at all.
    if questions upset you then im awfully sorry.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    I like the structure on the first picture.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    i wasnt slagging you down at all.
    if questions upset you then im awfully sorry.

    SSSammy, can you stop posting in this topic until you actually download this park?
  • Cornshot%s's Photo
    Woo. Thats definetly bright. I don't think the mountain area really fits in with the rest of the city but I think the city actually looks pretty cool. There are some bare areas that could use scenery but the rest of it looks pretty cool.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    are the track colours in the first screen brighter than normal?
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    No, I think the screen is is how bright the track is. Strange think is that even though the park is very bright the overall atmosphere is very dark.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    how on earth could you stand building something like that?

    i know my eyes would hurt after 5 minutes if i was building it lol
  • nin%s's Photo
    reminds me of wolfman's work.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    I dunno Incities, I built this a while ago and I think I did get headaches. The whole map used to be purple and geen, but I added the mountain sides for the reason you have said. The structure in the 3rd screen did take me alot of time though.
  • Lowenaldo%s's Photo
    whoa, thats some concentrated sulfuric acid
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Well, I can't tell weather you are being sarcastic or not lowenaldo, but I guess you can say that doesn't look like sulfuricacid which is a colorless liquid, but I knew you couldn't resist commenting without adding a chemical.
  • catalyst%s's Photo
  • RRP%s's Photo
    The green track is definitely brighter than the regular rct green
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Well RRP I can't tell. I think that is the actual color because I used the acid water instead of normal water and it's color scheme is really bright, you might be refering to the lime green paint scheme, though I may be wrong.