Park / Jungles of Eternity - Inachupa Valley


  • posix%s's Photo
    everything receives points, so new members can quickly find themselves on the rankings and be motivated to improve their position. accolades additionally receive score multipliers.

    i like sssammy's idea :p for some reason we have this tendency to be afraid of treating people unfairly.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    It's a pretty hard issue.. On one hand I think this wouldn't deserve any points, as people otherwise send in all kind of small snippets and there'll be an unworkable situation for posix/geewhzz/Louis/whoever else needs to approve every submission, make sure it's exported and delete unused .dats.. On the other hand I think submissions that barely made accolade, such as this, should/could receive points..

    I also agree with sssammy. Also, posix, notice how we went way up from iris being the only person to deny or judge submissions to a democratic system which represents this whole community? I think people will understand that a certain quality park (or absence of quality) will not be judged, as time is important for you admins too, and do this all for free.

  • Milo%s's Photo

    i think there could just be a "just don't be ridiculous" policy. if you notice someone is just being ridiculous, you can deny submissions?


    tbh it's not difficult to tell if someone has put in the proper effort to deserve some points imo
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    Maybe we could implement a "minimum" score to earn points? Or use a multiplier of 1 or less for non-accolade submissions?

    Spotlight >80% x13
    Gold >70% x7
    Silver 60-70% x5
    Bronze 50-60% x3
    Honorary Mention 30-50% x1
    Not Quite 10-30% x(1/2)
    Please Try Harder <10% x0

    This way actual effort can be somewhat rewarded, while submissions with very little effort do not get rewarded. If we get points for every competitive submission, I've got at least 400 LL parks I can submit for 5-10 points each. That should move me up the rankings pretty quickly.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    ^You hit the head on the nail... Oh, wait..

  • posix%s's Photo
    i think i like the cutoff solution best because multipliers that are less than one can quickly become confusing when looking at the park's release page. it also doesn't seem to make sense to have panelists judge a submission only to reduce its points afterwards. it would make me wonder why the panel hasn't voted it lower to begin with. to find a fair cutoff it would be ideal to compare submissions that are on the edge to what people perceive as a "worthless submission". i am unsure where on the score bar this would be located. thanks for anyone willing to volunteer for some investigation on this.
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    If there's a cutoff for no points, I'd put it no higher than 20% as I could see EFFORT at that level. Much higher and you might cut people off that tried but failed.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    How about a minimum percentage score to actually receive points? Starting at.. sayy.. 30 percent?
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Don't you think that's a little high? 30% is only 20% away from Bronze, how about 20-25%?

    (Man, this park is shit!My god! I can do way better than THIS ATROCITY!)

    (Yeah, I know it's mine, so shaddup.)
  • 5.00%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 5%
    RCTCA 20%
    Casimir 10%
    chapelz 10%
    nin 10%
    5dave 5%
    Evil WME 5%
    geewhzz 5%
    Kumba 5%
    posix 5%
    RCTNW 5%
    SSSammy 5%
    CedarPoint6 0%
    Liampie 0%
    Six Frags 0%
    turbin3 0%
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