Park / DreamWorks Great Australia
22-October 03
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~Prince Ashitaka~
As some of you know I am not too fond of LL parks anymore, but the detail put into this is absurd.
Definitely worth the title it was given...
OZONE, good job guy.
The park is amazing also, saw it along time ago, so I don't think I'll be downloading. Conrgrats OZONE on your first win.
Anyway, I watched OZONE on this one since he started it, and it always looked like spotlight quality. I'm glad he finally won spotlight. Congrats man.
This park is amazing. Seriously. Great stuff, everything had an incredible atmosphere. The Shrek area was obviously redone (some of it) since the last time I saw it...and the Gladiator is still rockin as always.
For the next three sections.. Minority Report was better than I dreamed it would be. It obviously took some jaw-dropping reworking to get this thing from where it was to where it is now. Absolutely amazing.
The Ring struck me as not good, actually. It should be DARKER..more elaborate and scary. The Ring is a very scary movie. This is NOT a very scary section. Sorry, that one was a no-can-do on the likeyness.
ElDorado was fucking beautiful. Case closed.
A great park, I commend you as the almost greatest parkmaker ever. Besides x-sector. Yay.
I personally thing the movie is what is considered "freaky" not scary... I found Sings scary than the ring... so I think the section suited it place nicely, but thats just my oppinion. Great job again OZONE.
I wish someone would make a REAL park like that in Australia... taht would be awesome. SHREK looked fantastic.
Shrek's area was done beautifully and even though I don't like the castle the cartoon swamp look was pulled off perfectly. Especially with the flowers. Gladiator was my least favorite. The black rocks with the coaster just didn't look right too me and I think the pink flowers were to much. The Road to El Dorado was fantastic. I could definately see some Pyro coming out through the colors. I was a little dissapointed to not see a catchy quote at the entrance though. The quote at the beginning of the Minority Report section gave me chills it was so perfect and the section itself reflect the movie quite well, except I think it might have been a little too industrial and not enough city like, but it doesn't really matter since it would have looked good either way. Everybody Runs was just inspired and I'm sure it will pop up on lists in the future of some of the best rides in RCT. The Ring area wasn't dark enough, but after reflection it wasn't the darkness that made the area, it was the detail. Things like the stables and the well made up for the lack of scaryness. The 7th Day rocked also.
It was a great park, one I had been anticipating for a while, and it definately deserved spotlight. Congrats OZONE.
KillTony: I heard about your park after I had finished the shrek section. Wasn't pyro involved or somthing? Well, you snooze you lose I guess (I can't believe I justed used that saying). I would like to see that park somtime, if you still have it that is.
Turtleman: Ok.
Prince: Oh shit.. high expectations.
Raven: I'm glad that you enjoyed it, even being a LL park. Maybe your eyes will no be opened to the fact that rct1 is the greater game compared to rct2. (How did I do Posix?)
SA: Same to you as to Raven. But, as far as "l33t h4x0rs" go, I'm afraid that I'm am still pretty n00bly.
Glitch: Fucking download it you bastard. Unless someone else sent it to you, I don't think you have seen the park much more than half way. At least I don't remember sending it to you even close to completion.
Aviator: Yea, you watched me over my sholder. You didn't suck up to me then, so you don't have to do it now. lol.
Pyro: Thanks for telling me.
PymGuy: Thank you for you long comment.
Natelox: Don't know what I did right with the flowers, but oh well. Thanks. And also thanks for the coaster, it was the best part of the section for sure.
Thorpedo: I don't think I ever re-did anything in the shrek section.. well, the color of the castle is all I can think of. Thanks for that last comment there, not sure I derserved it though.
Aviator again: From what I know of you and what you meant to post there you meant that you found Signs scarier than the Ring. Signs wasn't very scary to me, neither was the ring. Well, except the faces of the dead people and when the girl climbed out of the TV.
GateCrasher: I wouldn't mind visiting this park in real life, although I doubt I would ever make it to australia.
HevyDevy: Thanks for the compliments. The reason I didn't have a sign on the Road to Eldorado section is because in the cartoon they went behind a waterfall or somthing to get into the city. It was like hidden. ... ok, thats a bullshit excuse, I just couldn't think of anything good to say because I only saw part of the movie. Oh well, my original excuse wasn't that bad.
There, I replied. If more people comment, I will reply to them as well.
lol, do you like my lame trick to get more comments?
That's a BIG entrance area! The buildings are funky, the colours cool and the hacks are really nice (you're not a n00b hacker, you're a SN00B hacker!). I really like the horse ride, and I think the casino is one of the best buildings in the park.
Hehe, funny area! Swampy, but in a cool cartoony kinda way. Trees are cool, shrubs/trees are very well chosen, and the castle is very accurate - plus I love the zig-zag queueing line at the front (one of the funniest bits of the film
Haven't seen the film, and don't really have much desire to, but I think this is a soupy trousers roman area with some quite innovative theming. What's the "Stor" banner mean? Nice wooden coaster there, especially the landscaping. I really like the rock/black wood rocks you have throughout the park - they're pretty unique to your style and I think they really work.
El Dorado
Beautiful! The landscaping really works with Jaguar. I was suprised how short the ride was, but with the theming and that cool brake run it definitely looks like a thrilling ride. The water coaster is cool - is that steel-watercoaster merge the only way you can get the powered launch to work? Cos it always crashes when I try launching water rides...
Minority Report
Best area in the park. The Lumbini-Style architecture is probably one of the most wonderful things to happen to LL recently, and you're the instigator. The rapids/station combination really opens up a whole new range of architectural opportunities - here it makes the buildings look technical, spacey...slightly 'too' neat. The trackless ride is so much fun to watch, mainly cos you have to keep rotating and the banners/obstacles make it even more enjoyable. The log flume is very refined, and all in all this area was a pleasure to explore. Brilliant!
The Ring
Haven't seen the film, but this was pretty creepy. Great decision in going with the shrubs instead of trees for much of the area, and I think the well/cabin/silo/lighthouse were very iconic - reminded me of the statues in A:LE. Nice area, and great speed on that coaster from Natelox.
All in all this park was a lot of fun to look at, and i'm very envious of how effortless you make rct seem - the buildings flow, the shrubbery/trees and rocks all enhance the look, and never seem overdone. There's brilliant water usage, landscaping and layout, the coasters are all creative and exciting and the flat rides all have little details.
I'm envious because you exemplify everything that I think is good about LL, and you have a never-ending capacity for innovation and refinement. Plus you do this all at a speed I could only dream of. I can only imagine that you absolutely love playing rct, which really reflects itself in your work.
This park is an LL Masterpiece, and I can safely predict that your next park will be superior to this, because you're shaping LL parkmaking at the moment like no-one else.
mantis - cheers! that must have taken a while to work out!
The architecture wasn't anything special to me, but I did like the landscaping a bit.
It's what one might call "typicall NE fluff".