Park / Discovery Kingdom

Park_1402 Discovery Kingdom


  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Discovery Kingdom

    by: Dellagos, Turbin3, Cheeva, Dadit, Coronet, Doomsday

    It's ~ 9 month old but still pretty nice i think. :p
    Could reach bronze imo, but it is already released. ;)

    Posted Image

    Themes are:
    - Pirates
    - Western
    - Midage
    - Egypt

    Download: Attached File  Discovery_Kingdom.SV6 (898.23KB)
    downloads: 312

    Comments are welcome. :p
    Hope you enjoy. :)

    Thanks to Levis for removing an custom object, btw. ;)

    Edited by Turbin3, 28 January 2010 - 01:19 AM.

  • turbin3%s's Photo
    A few screens from each area:
    Attached Image: co.jpg

    Attached Image: de.jpg

    Attached Image: da.jpg

    Attached Image: tu.jpg

    Comments are welcome... ;)
  • Sephiroth%s's Photo
    I really liked it. This probably isn't as critical as the panel since it's pretty easy to impress me. I think the coasters were pretty good, although I think the dueler could have been better in terms of how close the "race" was, and the bottom of the first hill on the vertical drop coaster looked down right painful. The landscaping, on the other hand, was superb I my eyes.

    Which brings me to my favorite area: Rocky City. When I saw this area, my jaw was on the floor. First of all, I love coasters, especially big sprawlers like Rocky City Express. That ride looks like a blast to ride in real life, yet calm enough for the young ones to enjoy, a good family ride. I think there is a lot of good atmosphere in that area.

    Well that's my opinion at least. Like I said I'm pretty easy to please so others may not think this was as great as I did, as I have a habit of skipping over most of the architecture in parks.

    All in all, a good park.
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    i'd probably give it a silver.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Hammersmith, thanks for your feedback. :)
    Glad to hear you liked it.

    @ Nokia: Thank you too :p
    Just too late to send it in. ;)
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    No more comments? :/
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Sorry for the slow reply.

    This is an excellent park and i reckon the equivalent of a silver had it been released at NE. The first drop on the Flyers is Inspired and the mine train is quite insanely long. All of the areas had their strengths and weaknesses. I felt Dadits was probably the weakest while yours and Dellagos' were superb.

    It lacks the refinement of your newer work (although I can't comment on the other parkmakers involved) but overall its a solid piece of work.